
Friday, October 4, 2013

Nevada Board of Pharmacy Has Subpoena Power

Are you aware that the Nevada State Board of Pharmacy has subpoena power? Apparently, many of you are not, as is evidenced by
three recent cases in which two pharmacy technicians and an intern
pharmacist were subpoenaed by the Board to appear at hearing and
did not show. The subpoenas were simply “blown off,” resulting in
the Board having to take action against the registrations and licenses
of those subpoenaed. Excuses ranged from “my supervisor said I did
not have to go” to “my child was sick that day,” neither of which were
communicated to Board staff for consideration prior to the hearing.
No one can excuse you from a Board-issued subpoena other than the
Board itself, so when subpoenaed, either show or give the Board a call
to avoid being the subject of your own hearing!

quoted from Nevada Board of Pharmacy October 2013 Newsletter

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