
Friday, October 4, 2013

National Association of Pharmacy Boards October 2013 Newsletter --state boards of pharmacy work diligently to strengthen regulations and inspection protocols for compounding pharmacies,

NABP Records 1,028 Actions in Clearinghouse During Second
Quarter; System Now Tracking Actions Taken on Facilities
As the state boards of
pharmacy work diligently
to strengthen regulations
and inspection protocols for
compounding pharmacies,
the NABP Clearinghouse
reporting capabilities have
been expanded to enable
tracking of the number of actions taken against facilities.
The system continues to track
actions against other licensees
and is able to provide a broad
picture of the scope of actions
being reported by the state
During the second quarter
of 2013, the state boards of
pharmacy reported a total of
1,028 disciplinary actions to
the NABP Clearinghouse, including actions taken against
pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy interns,
pharmacies, wholesalers,
manufacturers, and other
licensees. Of the 1,028 actions
taken in second quarter:
• 478 actions or 46% were
taken on pharmacists;
• 290 actions or 28% were
taken on pharmacies;
• 216 actions or 21% were
taken on pharmacy technicians;
• 19 actions or approximately 2% were taken on
pharmacy interns;
• 16 actions or nearly 2%
were taken on wholesalers and manufacturers;
• 9 actions or 1% were taken against other licenses,
including mail-order
pharmacies, controlled
substance licenses, and
durable medical equipment licenses.
Of all the actions reported in the second quarter
to the NABP Clearinghouse,
publicly available fines/monetary penalties accounted
for the most actions reported comprising 257, or 25%
of the total 1,028 actions.
Following this category,
probation of license was the
second most reported action
with 160, or 15.6%, of the
actions reported. The third
most common action reported to the Clearinghouse
is the miscellaneous category, which includes a number
of smaller categories, with
152 or 14.8% of the actions
falling in this category.
Finally, the action
categories reprimand or
censure and voluntary surrender of license or certificate accounted for 9.8%
(101) and 8.9% (92) of the
total records, respectively.
(See Figure A for a full
breakdown of the actions
taken during second quarter 2013.)
The state boards of
pharmacy also report the
basis for all actions taken to
the Clearinghouse. In second
quarter, 264 or 25% of the
actions were taken on the
basis of issues included in the
(continued on page 194)
■ Publicly Available Fines/Monetary
Penalties (25%)
■ Probation of License (15.6%)
■ Miscellaneous* (14.8%)
■ Reprimand or Censure (9.8%)
■ Voluntary Surrender of License or
Certificate (8.9%)
■ Revocation of License or Certificate
■ Suspension of License or Certificate
■ License Restored or Reinstated,
Complete, or Conditional (6.3%)
■ Summary or Emergency Suspension
of License (3.5%)
Figure A: Disciplinary Actions Reported in Second Quarter 2013
*The miscellaneous category includes civil money penalty; conditional, provisional, or probationary license or certificate; denial of initial
license; denial of license renewal; directed in-service training; directed plan of correction; extension of previous licensure action; interim
action; license restoration or reinstatement denied; limitation or restriction on license; modification of previous licensure action; other
licensure action – not classified; reduction of previous licensure action; summary or emergency action; and summary or emergency
limitation or restriction on license.

read entire October 2013 newsletter here

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