
Friday, October 4, 2013

Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Status Report on Rule Making Including Regulatory Project 2013-1 on Compounding for Prescriber Use

Status Report on Rulemaking Activities (13-
The Board continues to promulgate new rules as well as revisions to existing rules.
For clients who have given the Board their
e-mail addresses, the Board sends electronic Notices of Rulemaking
Activity about these activities.
♦ Regulatory Project 2013-1 ~ Compounding for Prescriber Use.
The Board voted on January 29, 2013, to issue an emergency
rule that places limits on the amount of compounding for prescriber
use a pharmacy may prepare without a patient-specific
prescription. Since that time, the Board has been working
through the process to develop a permanent rule. The Board
reissued the same emergency rule on May 29 and September
29, to give the Board more time to complete the rulemaking
process. During its August 14 meeting, the Board considered
the comments and testimony received during the May 30 public hearing;
as a result, the Board returned the proposed rule to
its Regulation Revision Committee for further consideration
and development.

♦ Regulatory Project 2013-3 ~ Pharmacy Technician Training
Programs. The Board completed the rulemaking process to
amend portions of Chapter 9 – Pharmacy Technicians of its
rules and published the final rule on July 20, 2013. Effective
that day, the Board no longer approves pharmacy technician
training programs, and further, an applicant for a pharmacy
technician candidate registration no longer needs to demonstrate
enrollment in a training program, and further, an applicant for a pharmacy
technician certificate no longer needs
to demonstrate completion of a training program. The new
rule contains a new requirement that will become effective
on January 1, 2016. Beginning that day, an applicant for a
pharmacy technician certificate will need to demonstrate
successful completion of a nationally accredited and Board
approved pharmacy technician training program. The delay
until 2016 is intended to give training programs time to achieve
national accreditation.
♦ Regulatory Project 2013-4 ~ Preferential Licensing for Military Personnel.
This proposal amends Chapter 5 – Pharmacists and Chapter 9 – Pharmacy
Technicians of the Board’s
rules to establish procedures for the preferential licensing
of certain military personnel, as required by Act 276 of the
2012 legislature. The Board published its Notice of Intent on
July 20, and conducted a public hearing on August 27. The
Board will consider those comments and testimony during its
November 6 meeting.
♦ Regulatory Project 2013-5 ~ Collaborative Drug Therapy
Management. This proposal amends Chapter 5 – Pharmacists of the
Board’s rules and is intended to streamline the
administrative burden placed on physicians and pharmacists
engaging in collaborative drug therapy management. The
Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners is currently engaged in
the rulemaking process to make similar adjustments
to its rules on collaborative drug therapy management. The
Board of Pharmacy published its Notice of Intent on July 20,
and conducted a public hearing on August 27. The Board will
consider those comments and testimony during its November
6 meeting.
♦ Regulatory Project 2013-6 ~ Penal Pharmacy Permit Revision.
This proposal amends Chapter 18 – Penal Pharmacy
of the Board’s rules, to clarify that the requirement for this
special type of pharmacy permit is limited to those pharmacies
serving offenders in the custody of the Louisiana Department
of Public Safety & Corrections, and is not a requirement for
those pharmacies serving offenders in other facilities, eg,
parish prisons. The Board published its Notice of Intent on
July 20, and conducted a public hearing on August 27. The
Board will consider those comments and testimony during its
November 6 meeting.

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