
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Letter: Lax oversight of compounding pharmacies, medicine can be deadly; Write Congress and Demand They Add Teeth to Legislation October 6, 2013

By South Jersey Times 
on October 06, 2013 at 3:15 AM

To the Editor:
I am writing about the editorial“Put teeth back in pharmacy bill,” in the Oct. 1 Times. I concur with the editorial. There has not been enough emphasis on the topic of regulating “compounding pharmacies” in the media, except for one “60 Minutes” segment.
As the editorial stated, “the (Sept. 28) U.S. House session resulted in passage of a bill for more oversight” of these pharmacies, tainted medicine from one of which reportedly caused 750 cases of fungal meningitis last fall.
“The sites are subject to spotty state licensing and registration,” the editorial added.
The Food and Drug Administration currently has no real authority to inspect or regulate or any of these pharmacies. Even though the House did pass new legislation, it makes reporting by these companies voluntary.
After doing some research I found the following: Naltrexone, approved for certain addiction therapy, but prescribed “off-label” in lower doses for diseases likemultiple sclerosis, has not been found to effective for symptoms.
The FDA has recalled numerous medications as problems were reported, including injectable and inhalable products that were not sterile. Among drugs and supplements that have been recalled are lidocaine, magnesium sulfate, ascorbic acid, acetylcysteine inhalation products and Vitamin B12.
We have no idea how many other such medications have been produced and dispensed to doctors’ offices, hospitals and clinics by compounding pharmacies, where the items tend to be cheaper to purchase.
Because this problem is so widespread, readers should check the FDA website for recalled products, hearings before Congress etc. Feel free to ask your physician, if he or she purchases any products from these pharmacies, and do not be hesitant to ask hospitals, either. Certain medications may be deadly, and the exact death toll, and the number of illnesses caused may be unknown.
With the government shutdown, this will mean the FDA will be even more overburdened, and reporting slow.
Contact the White House and your representatives and demand that something be done before a loved one becomes ill or dies.
Edna Birch
Carneys Point

quoted from here

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