Friday, October 25, 2013

Firm in outbreak probe has history of run-ins with FDA Alison Young, USA TODAY 12:22 a.m. EDT October 25, 2013 USPlabs, the supplement company at the center of an outbreak investigation, has a history of run-ins with federal regulators and is headed by an industry leader with a criminal history.

As the number of liver injury cases linked to a sports supplement continues to rise, government and court records show the company at the center of the outbreak investigation has a history of run-ins with federal regulators and is headed by an industry leader with a criminal history involving anabolic steroids.
Dallas-based USPlabs has been under scrutiny in recent weeks after federal health investigators announced that the company's workout supplement OxyElite Pro appears to be connected to dozens of serious incidents of liver injury, including one death and several cases that required liver transplants.
The number of confirmed outbreak cases has risen this week to 48. Sarah Park, state epidemiologist at Hawaii's Department of Health, said that as of Thursday night her department had confirmed 41 cases in the state. Centers for Disease Control Prevention spokeswoman Bernadette Burden said another seven cases had been confirmed in other states, with an additional 10 potential cases on the mainland under review. The outbreak cases involve people who became ill with acute hepatitis since April 1, the CDC has said.
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