
Friday, October 25, 2013

Comment on David Miller's Second Interview With Pharmacy Times: Does IACP Realize How Inconsistent it is Being?

I find what David Miller, who is speaking on behalf of IACP, in his second interview with Pharmacy Times to be ludicrous to say the least.  Will IACP please pick a position and stick with it!!  If I were a member of IACP at this point I would be so confused about what IACP's actual position is.  It supports reform, it doesn't; it supports the federal legislation, it doesn't; it TELLS its members not to let the FDA in to inspect when the FDA and the states believe a compounding pharmacy might be manufacturer, but then in this most recent video David Miller states that IACP's position is that the FDA has adequate authority--the authority it needs to inspect compounders who have crossed the line and are manufacturer....hum should we go back and look at some the materials filed in previous cases--such as Frack's, Wedgewood,etc.--and see what IACP's position was then?  If the federal legislation is passed, does this now mean that IACP is going to fight it right and left in court?  How about this?  IACP collects money from its members and establishes a Superfund to pay victims of the next NECC train wreck if nothing gets passed or done this time in Congress...oh yes we know...states should regulate compounders...there are enough rules on the books...they just need to be enforced (David Miller's statement in first Pharmacy Times video interview)....Well hello...the problem is states haven't enforced them, still aren't enforcing them...and will never completely enforce them...when there is self-regulation by your own members, i.e., state boards of pharmacy made up of pharmacists..(examples Franck's in Florida and Nuvision and Apothecure in Texas ..and I will ask again...exactly how many letters has IACP and it's members written to state boards of pharmacy, state legislators...not to come visit there wonderful compounding pharmacies and get some press coverage for the legislators and the pharmacy...but to not only ask but to DEMAND the state boards of pharmacy enforce the current rules relating to compounding pharmacies on the book? Oh wait...why would they do that...they don't really mean they won't them enforced...and part of their membership funds dry up...and also why would they write those letters when they would just be writing them to themselves (i.e., pharmacists serving on pharmacy boards).   Please feel free to send me all those letters. I will be happy to post them and let you prove me wrong.

watch both interviews here

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