
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Arizona Board of Pharmacy Update on Compounding Task Force Meeting (September 18, 2013)

AGENDA ITEM 16 – Update of Compounding Task Force Meeting
President Van Hassel asked Dr. Musil to address this agenda item.
Dr. Musil stated that the task force last met on August 23, 2013.  Dr. Musil stated that the task
force discussed definitions and the preparation of sterile products.
Dr. Musil stated that the task force has discussed accreditation of facilities and credentialing of
personnel. Dr. Musil stated that would be a statutory change.
Dr. Musil stated that the task force is also waiting to see what actions are going to be taken on
the Federal level.
Dr. Musil stated that one issue that still remains is the 5% rule concerning medications labeled
for office use.   Dr. Musil stated that the statutory change would need to be made to change the

quoted from here

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