
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wow Wonder What the Texas State Board of Pharmacy Did to the three Compounding Pharmacies Who Failed to Yield the Acceptable Potency and I wonder which Pharmacies They Where? Wonder Who Texas Used to Test these Samples?

Division staff collected 28 samples of compounded preparations during FY2012, which represented 9 fewer samples (24% decrease) than were collected in FY2011.   Although all of the sterile preparations collected in FY2012 sterile and free of endotoxins (100%  sterility), test results show that 3 of the 28 collected samples (11%) failed to yield the acceptable potency results.  See Ongoing Objective #2 for additional information.

quoted from 2012 Texas Board of Pharmacy Annual Report found  here

1 comment:

  1. Testing by the TSBP showed a failure rate of 11% in testing the potency of drugs compounded by pharmacies within the state. In spite of this data, Paul Holder, assistant director of enforcement for the Texas Board of Pharmacy, publicly stated, in reference to compounding errors,“They’re extremely uncommon.” Would the TSBP characterize errors as "extremely uncommon" in a pharmacy that filled 11% of its prescription orders incorrectly?
