
Monday, September 23, 2013

This year hospital pharmacies can expect a strong interest in compounding practices from their regulatory agencies, particularly from the Joint Commission.

This year hospital pharmacies can expect a strong interest in compounding practices from their regulatory agencies, particularly from the Joint Commission. Nonetheless, few punitive actions have taken place thus far. Of note, state inspections have focused on beyond-use dating, certifications, training, and proof of room pressures, among other issues. Meanwhile, CMS inspectors commonly queried facilities about beyond-use dating, immediate-use issues, as well as single-dose and multi-dose vial dating. Furthermore, given the difficulty of connecting a patient incident to a compounding error, it is notable that 29% of facilities have identified such an occurrence over the past five years.
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Download SOPC 2013 Powerpoint SlidesSelect graphs from the State of Pharmacy Compounding are available for your use as PowerPoint slides. Click here to download

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