
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

State officials plan to announce compounding pharmacy legislation September 19, 2013

By Ann Zaniewski

Detroit Free Press Staff Writer

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette plans to announce legislation today aimed at tightening regulations of compounding pharmacies in the state hit hardest by a national fungal meningitis outbreak.
The public health crisis that erupted last September was linked to tainted steroids prepared by the New England Compounding Center, a compounding pharmacy in Massachusetts. Hundreds of people were sickened by tainted shots, and more than 60 have died.
“Michigan was at the epicenter of this health emergency, and hundreds of families are still wrestling with the aftermath of devastating illnesses and deaths caused by steroid injections tainted with fungal meningitis,” Joy Yearout, a spokeswoman for Schuette, said Wednesday.
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