
Friday, September 20, 2013

Public Health & Policy Free Tablets for All at Medical Conferences? Published: Sep 19, 2013 | Updated: Sep 20, 2013

In a possible sign of things to come for major medical meetings, all paid registrants for the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) conference coming up next month in San Francisco will be given a Samsung tablet computer that they can keep when the meeting ends.
The device "will be loaded with the official TCT conference app and other interactive tools to deliver exceptional education, training, and high-quality content throughout the meeting," according to an email announcing the initiative.
The tablets will be provided by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF) -- the nonprofit organization that sponsors the meeting.
CRF itself receives much of its funding from industry sources and the annual TCT meeting is partially funded by drug and device manufacturers -- as are most major medical meetings. But the tablets will be provided without "direct industry support," Irma Damhuis, CRF's director of external relations, said in an email to MedPage Today.
There won't be any industry content on the tablets, although some of the meeting apps will include "a limited number of ads," she said.
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