
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Please Publish the Names of the Compounding Pharmacies Who Have Stated They Will Go Out of Business if Senate Bill 959 is Passed--

David Kirk, APR, Fellow PRSA said...
Yes, this true and fact-based. I am with the firm that conducted the poll and I can tell you that this is a legitimate piece of research and the results are what they are. S.959 has serious unintended consequences that have been pointed out to the Senate HELP committee time and time again from multiple sources. This research simply confirms the impact. I do not monitor comments on this blog so please feel free to send additional questions you may have to
Kenneth Woliner, MD said...
Actually, it is a piece of propaganda put out by IACP and PCCA. Every compounding pharmacy I have talked to opposes the senate version of the bill due to added regulation and licensure costs, but they ALL said they were stating in the compounding business. The list includes: Skip's Pharmacy (Boca Raton, FL), Compounding Docs (Boca Raton, FL), King's Pharmacy (Coral Springs, FL), Taylor's Pharmacy (Winter Park, FL), StarRx Pharmact (Leesburg, FL), AnazaoHealth (Tampa, FL) ... None of them said they were leaving the compounding pharmacy business.

In a real grass roots movement, whether it be the Declaration of Independence or other political activism, people (and businesses) sign their names to their statement of principles. They do not hide behind a nameless, faceless poll that reads like "4 it of 5 dentists prefer this toothpaste."

I DARE David Kirk to publish the names of the pharmacies that say they will stop compounding mess should the Senate bill become law. I sincerely doubt
he'll publish those names.

Kenneth Woliner, MD

Doletta Sue Tuck-Richmond said...
Mr. Kirk,

I attempted several times to contact you at the email address you posted but always received message that it was not a valid email. Are you willing to post the names of the pharmacies that say they will go out of business when you conducted your poll or at least the names of the pharmacies polled? Any additonal comments or information you are willing to provide would be greatly appreciated by the readers of the blog.


  1. Doctors in glass houses should not throw stones!

    For the record, Dr. Kenneth Noah Woliner has a disciplinary history (case number 200500890) with the State of Florida Medical Board.

    In response to a 2007 complaint Dr. Woliner was required to:

    1. Comple a "Laws and rules" course, administered by the Florida Medical Association.

    2. Complete a drug course "protecting your medical practice, Clinical, medical and ethical issues in prescribing Abusable Drugs"

    3. Complete a records course " Quality Medical Record Keeping for healthcare professionals"

    4. Complete fifty hours community service

    5. Complete five hours of Continuing Medical Education in diagnosis of thyroid Condions.

    Dr. Woliner was also required to pay a five thousand dollar fine. Additional information concerning (case number 200500890) Dr. Woliner may be found by searching Discipline cases at Florida Health Medical Quality Assurance Services.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    If you are a compounding pharmacist or represent a compounding pharmacy that will in fact be forced to close if the Senate bill becomes law, I, along with the readers, would be interested in hearing why you feel or know that you would be forced to close your doors or at least get our of the compounding--sterile and/or non-sterile business. Are you basing your conclusion on what IACP and PCCA is telling you or do you have your own set of support? If you have specific facts and reasons please tell us?

  3. Regulation would be a good thing in this somewhat Rogue industry. Just calling out a Doctor who has his own skeletons in his closet.

  4. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. If an ANONYMOUS poster wants to resort to McCarthyism (e.g. "xyz person associates with communists") rather than responding to my comments, then I'll call you out for that.

    My discipline case had nothing to do with compounding drugs and I'm not sure how that is relevant here. I did take a Laws and Rules course, and because of that, know more about the law than most physicians. That is the only relevance I can see.

    I challenge you, Mr. Anonymous, reveal your identity. I wouldnt say I would waste my time to see if you had speeding tickets, were late on child-support payments, or were of the "wrong ethnicity/religion" (as if any ethnicity or religion is "wrong"). But hiding behind a mask doesn't make you a superhero, it makes you a member of the mob that wants to lynch people from a tree.

    Ken Woliner, MD
