
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Note: For those wanting to read the article, "The Hormone Hoax Thousands Fall For" An in-depth Investiagtive story by Cathryn Ramin, in the October 2013 More Magazine it probably has not hit newstands in your area yet but those who have a subscription to the magazine have received the October edition

The article includes laboratory test results for hormone products obtained from 12 national compounding pharmacies.   Results include medically dangerous failure rates, and high content variability similar to FDA and state of MO survey results.  At the present time, only two states in the nation currently sample and test compounded drugs.  You will want to get a copy of this magazine and read this article.


  1. Is there a link to the article?

    Btw, there is a difference between whether a drug has "exactly what is on the label is in the product" (misbranding / adulteration - if not precise enough) and "lack of clinical effect and/or dangerous to the patient" (which admittedly is more likely to happen if a drug is mislabeled and/or adulterated. From what I can tell from the title of this article, they were only assessing for potency, not clinical effect and/or side effects.

    Ken Woliner, MD

  2. See follow up post. Those who have a subscription to More have the October edition. Not on most newsstands yet. Not sure at what point I will be able to link this article.
