
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Idaho Board of Pharmacy--Pharmacy Provision of Prescription Blanks

The Idaho State Board of Pharmacy has reviewed and consid- ered the provision of pre-printed, hard copy prescription drug order blanks containing compounding formulas, by a pharmacy to a prescriber, and has concluded it is legal. However, considering the best interest and safety of the public, the Board has concluded that the provision of hard copy prescription blanks containing pharmacy-specific information, such as pharmacy name or address, is prohibited. In reaching this conclusion, the Board considered the following law:
01. Unlawful Advertising or Inducements. A licensee or registrant may not promote or induce, directly or indirectly, the provision of professional services or products through the dissemination of a public communication that contains a false, misleading, or deceptive statement or claim.
The Board’s decision is based upon the determination that the inclusion of pharmacy-specific information on such a prescription blank creates too great of a risk of being “misleading” or “decep- tive,” as the patient would likely be led to believe that his or her prescription drug order may only be dispensed by that specific pharmacy.
The Board also cautions pharmacies that engage in such provision of blanks containing controlled substances (CS), that blanks for CS are required to be on non-copyable paper as per Section 37-2725, Idaho Code, and that they may be deemed by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to have been illegally prepared for the pre- scriber’s signature by someone other than the prescriber’s agent. 

quoted from Idaho Board of Pharmacy September 2013 Newsletter

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