
Thursday, September 19, 2013

IACP Critical of Consumer Poll Regarding Compounding Pharmacies

Have you seen the New “Poll” Claiming Strong Support for Effective FDA Regulation of Compounding Pharmacies?

This week, the “Working Group on Pharmaceutical Safety” released poll results they say indicate key findings from an “independent survey” of registered voters, claiming strong support for effective FDA regulation of compounding pharmacies.
The recently formed Working Group on Pharmaceutical Safety is led by Tommy Thompson, former Wisconsin governor and U.S. Secretary of Health andHuman Services, and current chairman of TherapeuticsMD, a specialty pharmaceutical company as well as Sarah Sellers, self- proclaimed FDA expert and current KV Pharmaceutical employee (manufacturers of Makena (17-P)).
The Working Group’s key survey findings are:
  • 87% say it is very important for their doctor to inform them if they prescribe non-FDA approved prescription drugs
  • 83% say if their doctor would like to prescribe a drug for them that is not FDA-approved, it is very important for their doctor to tell them about FDA-approved alternatives, if one exists
  • 77% are concerned that the FDA does not verify the safety, effectiveness, or manufacturing quality of compounded drugs
  • 86% are concerned that not every prescription drug sold to patients in the United States has been reviewed and approved by the FDA
  • 77% support legislation to give the FDA more authority to regulate compounding pharmacies and compounded drug

The Survey Says…

All sounds pretty straight forward, right?  Uhhh – not so much when you dive into the actual survey details.
For example, take a look at their question #21 – Have you ever heard of a type of pharmacy called a compounding pharmacy?
73 percent of their respondents said, “no.”
Question # 22 – To the best of your knowledge, have you or has anyone in your immediate family ever used a compounded drug?
73 percent said, “no.”
Question #23 – Over the past few months, have you heard or read anything in the news about compounding pharmacy or compounded drugs?
85 percent of their respondents said, “no.”
So….the majority of these survey participants are completely unaware of compounding, yet the public is being told that these same respondents have a very clear opinion on how medications should be regulated and that they should be FDA-approved.
Something not adding up here? IACP doesn’t think so.
When asked by an FDA Week reporter to comment on this new “survey,” IACP responded that our policy is to only comment on legitimate, independent surveys.
Please email if you have any questions or comments!

quoted from IACPconnection

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