
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Another Lawsuit by a soldier: Spec ops major sues, alleges tainted treatment caused meningitis Sep. 17, 2013 - 05:26PM

By Joe Gould 
Staff Write

A second Tennessee soldier stricken with fungal meningitis has filed a lawsuit in connection 
with a tainted steroid.

The lawsuit says Maj. Adam C. Ziegler, an Iraq and Afghanistan combat veteran assigned 
to a special operations unit, alleges he received the tainted steroid while being treated for 
a hip injury at a clinic in Nashville.

The lawsuit says Ziegler, 33, of Woodlawn, Tenn., “became very ill” and was hospitalized 
for 19 days last October with a painfulfungal infection of his joints, bones and muscles.

“Major Ziegler is still being treated with anti-fungal medications and there is a possibility that he will be required to take these medications for the rest of his life,” says the 52-page complaint, filed Sept. 11 in U.S. District Court in Nashville.

“Major Ziegler continues to suffer pain and nerve damage in his feet and legs,” it says.

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