
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Update 101: Fairness Requires a Delicate Balance of Presenting All Views

My days are always an attempt as most people's probably are to juggle and balance everything on my plate.  I have one child who plays competitive soccer, practicing two to three times a week, plays in a state league, and plays in four to five tournaments a season--with half or more being out of state. His team training field is located 30 minutes on a good and 45 on a bad away from our house.  My other child does competitive cheer with mandatory practices, mandatory tumbling classes, open gym practices and 4 to 5 competitions--over half out of state.  Her cheer facility is 20 minutes from our house on a good day and 30 on a bad. Just so happens each child's activities are on complete opposite ends of the city.   So I am constantly try to make it fair by spending equal time at each event, practice, etc. knowing that sometimes it is just impossible.  Sometimes the best I can do is drop one child off, go drop the other child off, go back and pick up one and go pick up the other...never actually seeing any of the practice or activities. Still I try to balance and make it fair.  Of course neither kid ever thinks it is fair!  Those are just the non-school activities. Throw in their school events and activities and me trying schedule, plan and be fair and my kids really think I am unfair.  I am convinced the only way they would think I was fair is if there were two of me.

The main goal of the blog has always been to educate the public about compounded medications and to bring about reform.  In doing the blog, I have always attempted to present all the views even when I don't agree with those views.  It is an attempt at all time to balance and be fair.   Yet I know at times this is impossible.  I may feel at times to advocate harder for a particular view for various reasons.  Other times, friends and their views my persuade me that something needs to be said.  Other times I post articles that are clearly contrary to my position.  If nothing else, I hope these competing views, make people think, to brain storm, to come up with possible solutions to the problems in the compounding world.  

I think the blog is serving its purpose.  New countries are viewing all the time.  The blog has almost 200,000 views.  I continue to meet new people and make new friends through the blog.  I am honored when I get that request seeking my advice or giving me research information or a tip. I try to balance and get back to all of you although I know a few of you have been waiting awhile.    You readers are great no matter what your position, no matter whether we agree or agree to disagree! You challenge me to look harder for answers, to do more research, to write a particular article, to even start new and different blogs.   You encourage me when I think no one really cares if I do another post or not.  You convince me it is not yet time to stop or move on leaving this project behind.  I will continue to strive to balance and present the views, even when I don't agree.

I suppose, however,  the only way to truly be fair with both sides would be to have two blogs--one for each side--but we have groups on both sides of the argument who have their on websites for now I continue on  with the Law of Compounding Medications and Drugs blog....

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