
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thu Aug 22, 2013 at 06:47 AM PDT. Texas mom claims pharmacy's dosage error killed her daughter

Like many kids with sickle cell anemia, Jadalyn Allen had to deal with a lot of pain.  It got so bad at times that she had to take morphine.  But back in March, Jadalyn died from a massive morphine overdose.  Now her mom claims she died because of a dosage error at the pharmacy.
Simone Allen says her 6-year-old daughter, Jadalyn, died after taking a dose of morphine 10 times higher than her prescription called for. Jadalyn had been taking the liquid painkiller off and on for sickle cell anemia.
 Jadalyn died April 3, 2012, one day after taking the mega dosage, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Harris County District Court against Cullen Care Pharmacy. The cause of Jadalyn's death was "morphine toxicity," according to the lawsuit. Allen's lawyer, Muhammad Aziz, said he had hoped to settle out of court, but negotiations "fell apart" when the pharmacy's insurance company blamed Jadalyn's death on her blood disorder instead of a pharmacy error.
"There's more than enough evidence to support our claim," said Aziz, citing what he says are facts established by the coroner's report, pharmacy records that reflect the dosage discrepancy and tests on the remaining contents of the morphine bottle. "Frankly, I'm surprised it had to come to this."
Jadalyn was originally prescribed 20 milligrams per 10 milliliters of morphine.  But what she actually got was 20 milligrams per one milliliter--ten times the prescribed amount.  The overdose was so massive that Simone was initially the target of a criminal investigation.
According to KTRK-TV in Houston, Allen initially sought $1 million in damages.  While Texas tort reform caps the damages at $250,000, what she wants more is an apology.

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