
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Board Meeting Agenda for August 14, 2013

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Board has been ordered and called for 10:00
a.m. on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at the Board office, for the purpose to wit:
NOTE: This agenda is tentative until 24 hours in advance of the meeting, at which time the most recent revision becomes official.
Revised 07-31-2013
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
3. Quorum Call
4. Call for Additional Agenda Items
5. Consideration of Minutes
6. Report on Action Items
7. Confirmation of Acts
8. Opportunity for Public Comment
9. Committee Reports
A.  Finance – Mr. Russell Champagne, CPA & Mr. Pitre  
• Consideration of Final Report for Fiscal Year 2012-2013
• Consideration of Budget Amendment No. 1 for Fiscal Year 2013-2014
B. Application Review – Ms. Melancon
• Consideration of Committee Recommendations re Applications
C. Reciprocity – Ms. Hall
• Consideration of Committee Recommendations re Applications
D. Violations – Mr. Bond
• Consideration of Proposed Voluntary Consent Agreements
E.  Impairment – Mr. Rabb
• Consideration of Committee Recommendations re Applications
F.  Reinstatement – Ms. Melancon
• Consideration of Committee Recommendations re Applications
G. Tripartite – Mr. Burch
H. Regulation Revision – Mr. McKay
• Consideration of Comments from May 30 Public Hearing
I. Executive – Mr. Aron
• Consideration of Committee Recommendations re Policies & Procedures
10. Staff Reports
J. Prescription Monitoring Program – Mr. Fontenot
K. General Counsel – Mr. Finalet
L. Executive Director – Mr. Broussard
• Consideration of Annual Report
• Consideration of Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire
• Consideration of Colleges & Schools of Pharmacy
11. Request for Opinion: Addition of Medications by Non-Pharmacy Practitioners to Parenteral Preparations Previously Compounded by Pharmacies (BioScrip®)
12. Announcements
13. Recess

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