
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Compounders Apparently Getting More Cease and Desist Letters from Manufacturers--Should We Anticipate More Litigation--Also Express Scripts States Compounded Drugs Using Bulk No Longer Covered

Member Alert: Letter Trifecta

IACP is aware of the three letters currently circulating to our members - the Aptalis Pharma letter regarding RECTIV, the Arnall Golden Gregory letter regarding Mitosol, and the Express Scripts letter stating that compounded drugs using bulk chemicals will no longer be covered.

Click here for a copy of the Aptalis letter.

Click here for a copy of the Arnall Golden Gregory LLP (Mitosol) letter.
Click here for the Express Scripts letter.
IACP will be sending all members an email and fax on how to handle these specific letters. In the meantime, please visit IACP's AdvanCE self-paced webinars on our website. Click here to access IACP's webinar, Sound & Fury: Responding to Manufacturers’ Cease & Desist Letters.

This webinar will answer your questions, “What should I do? Ignore it? Send it to my attorney? Comply with their request? Why did I get this in the first place? Who are these people anyway?” This program will help you understand what a “cease-and-desist” letter is, where it comes from, what it means, and what to do about it. Stay tuned for more information to come.

quoted from IACP website here

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