
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6, 2013: IACP Update on S. 959 which now expressly permits anticipatory compounding for office use

IACP Update on S. 959

Revision to S. 959 Secured by IACP: Expressly permits anticipatory compounding for office use

As a result of our continued discussions with the Senate HELP Committee, IACP has succeeded in securing language which clarifies that anticipatory compounding will be permitted within S. 959 as part of the bill’s overall revision of Section 503A of the Federal Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).

As Section 503A (a)(2)(A) reads now, compounds drug can only be prepared "by a licensed pharmacist or licensed physician in limited quantities before the receipt of a valid prescription order for such individual patient."  Although never enforced, that language does essentially prohibit anticipatory compounding for preparations that are subsequently dispensed or sold to health practitioners for office-use. 

continue to read here

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