
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wisconsin Board of Pharmacy July 17, 2013 Meeting Included Discussion Regarding Compounding Issues

Contact: Dan Williams (608) 266-2112
Room 121A, 1400 E. Washington Avenue, Madison
JULY 17, 2013
Notice: The following agenda describes the issues that the Board plans to consider at the meeting. At the time of the
meeting, items may be removed from the agenda. Please consult the meeting minutes for a description of the actions
and deliberations of the Board.
9:00 A.M.
A. Approval of Agenda (1-4)
B. Approval of Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2013 (5-12)
C. Administrative Updates – Discussion and Consideration
1) Ashley Horton – Division of Legal Services and Compliance – Monitoring Liaison Roles and
Delegated Authority (13-14)
2) Staff Updates
D. Presentation of Proposed Stipulations, Final Decisions and Orders
1) 12 PHM 078 – Karie L Tully R. Ph.
2) 12 PHM 084 – Mark D. Morgensen, R.Ph.
3) 13 PHM 004 – Jay M. Bubrick, R.Ph.
4) 13 PHM 006 – Kuldeep Grewal, R.Ph.
Pharmacy Examining Board
Agenda 1E. Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Update – Discussion and Consideration (15-70)
1) Deployment Discussion
a) Deployed on June 1, 2013
b) Alert Functionality Improvements
c) Delegate Account Functionality Improvements
d) NABP PMP Interconnect Update
2) Training and Outreach
a) Events
b) Brochures
c) Statistics Sheets
3) Policy Discussion
a) Phar 18 Rule-Writing Projects
b) Reporting of Compounded/Distributed Drugs
c) Session Time-Out Length
4) Grant Opportunity
a) 2013 SAMHSA Grant
5) Miscellaneous Items for Consideration
a) WNA Letter of Support
b) MEB Newsletter
F. Legislation/Administrative Rule Matters – Discussion and Consideration
1) LRB 2399 (71-74)
2) Amending Phar 15 Relating to Sterile Pharmaceuticals(75-76)
3) Update on Pending Rule Projects(77-78)
G. Variance Related Items – Discussion and Consideration
1) Continued Reporting Requirements
2) Variance Reports(79-80)
a) Delivery
1. Dean Clinic – Fish Hatchery (81-82)
2. Embrace Pharmacy (83-84)
3. Meriter Outpatient Pharmacy (85-88)
4. Wheaton Franciscan Pharmacy (89-90)
5. Genoa Healthcare - Madison (91-92)
b) Technician-to-Pharmacist Ratio
1. Pinnacle Pharmacy (93-96)
c) Robotic Dispensing
d) Tech-Check-Tech
1. Gundersen Lutheran (97-98)
3) Variance Requests
a) Universal Compounders LLC.(99-122)
b) Sun Prairie Hometown Pharmacy (123-128)
Pharmacy Examining Board
Agenda 2H. Board Informational Items – Discussion and Consideration
1) Current Pharmacy Inspection Form(129-132)
2) 2013 Goals List(133-136)
3) Pharmacy Board Position Statements(137-140)
4) CMS Signature Policy Revision – Discussion and Consideration (141-142)
I. Compounding Matters – Discussion and Consideration (143-144)
1) Senate Summary (145-146)
2) Legislation to Regulate Compounding Pharmacies(147-148)

3) NABP Inspection June (149-150)
4) NABP Inspection July (151-152)
J. NABP Inquiry Regarding MPJE Test – Discussion and Consideration (153-154)
1) MPJE Annual Item Pool Review (155-156)
K. Speaking Engagement Reports – Discussion and Consideration (157-158)
1) Rocky LaDien – Concordia School of Pharmacy
2) Thaddeus Schumacher – UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
L. Resolutions Approved at 109th NABP Annual Meeting – Discussion and Consideration (159-
M. Items Received After Preparation of the Agenda
1) Introductions, Announcements and Recognition
2) Presentations of Petition(s) for Summary Suspension
3) Presentation of Proposed Stipulation(s), Final Decision(s) and Order(s)
4) Presentation of Proposed Final Decision and Order(s)
5) Informational Item(s)
6) Division of Legal Services and Compliance (DLSC) Matters
7) Education and Examination Matters
8) Credentialing Matters
9) Class 1 Hearings
10) Practice Questions/Issues
11) Legislation/Administrative Rule Matters
12) Liaison Report(s)
a. Legislative Liaisons – Thaddeus Schumacher, Jason Walker-Crawford, Gregory Weber
b. Regulatory Digest Liaison – Gregory Weber
c. Credentialing Liaison – Jason Walker-Crawford, Thaddeus Schumacher, Rocky LaDien
d. Practice Question Liaison – Jason Walker-Crawford
e. SCAODA Liaison – Charlotte Rasmussen
f. Professional Assistance Procedure Liaison – Jeanne Severson
g. NABP Review Volunteer – Jeanne Severson
h. Continuing Education Liaison – Thaddeus Schumacher
i. Division of Legal Services and Compliance Liaison – Thaddeus Schumacher
j. Monitoring Liaison – Jeanne Severson
k. MPJE Item-Writing Workshop Liaison
l. MPJE Question Review Liaison
m. PSW Pharmacy Practice Review Liaison – Thaddeus Schumacher, Greg Weber
13) Speaking Engagement(s), Travel, or Public Relation Request(s)
Pharmacy Examining Board
Agenda 3N. Public Comments
CONVENE TO CLOSED SESSION to deliberate on cases following hearing (s. 19.85(1) (a), Stats.;
consider closing disciplinary investigation with administrative warning (s. 19.85(1)(b), Stats. and
440.205, Stats., to consider individual histories or disciplinary data (s. 19.85 (1)(f), Stats.; and, to
confer with legal counsel (s. 19.85(1)(g), Stats.)
O. Monitoring Matters
P. Application Review
Q. Deliberation of Proposed Stipulations, Final Decisions and Orders
1) 12 PHM 078 – Karie L Tully R. Ph.(163-168)
2) 12 PHM 084 – Mark D. Morgensen, R.Ph.(169-174)
3) 13 PHM 004 – Jay M. Bubrick, R.Ph.(175-186)
4) 13 PHM 006 – Kuldeep Grewal, R.Ph.(187-192)
R. Division of Legal Services and Compliance
1) Case Status Report
2) Case Closings
a) 12 PHM 083 (193-198)
b) 13 PHM 016 (199-204)
S. Deliberation of Items Received After Preparation of the Agenda
1) Deliberation on Class 1 Hearings
2) Application Issues and/or Reviews
3) Professional Assistance Procedure (PAP)
4) Monitoring Matters
5) Proposed Stipulations, Final Decisions and Orders
6) Administrative Warnings
7) Review of Administrative Warning
8) Orders Fixing Costs/Matters Related to Costs
9) Proposed Final Decisions and Orders
10) Petitions for Summary Suspension
11) Petitions for Re-hearings
12) Education and Examination Matters
13) Credential Issues
14) Supervisor Approvals
15) Appearances from Requests Received or Renewed
16) Motions
T. Legal Counsel Matters
Voting on Items Considered or Deliberated on in Closed Session, if Voting is Appropriate
U. Board Meeting Process (Time Allocation, Agenda Items) - Discussion and Consideration
1) DSPS Job Ready Initiative
2) Telehealth
Pharmacy Examining Board
APRIL 15, 2013
PRESENT: Charlotte Rasmussen, Thaddeus Schumacher, Jeanne Severson, Jason WalkerCrawford, and Rocky LaDien (entered via teleconference at 1:09 p.m.)
EXCUSED: Greg Weber
STAFF: Dan Williams, Executive Director; Matthew Niehaus, Bureau Assistant; and other
Department Staff
Thaddeus Schumacher, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. A quorum of four (4)
members was present.
Amendments to the Agenda
 Item “I” (open session) ADD the agenda item titled “I.8 Phillip M. Moist, R.Ph. – 12 PHM
 Item “E.3.c” (open session) ADD the agenda item titled “E.3.c.2 Froedert Health – St.
 Item “S” (closed session) ADD the agenda item titled “S.8 Phillip M. Moist, R.Ph. – 12 PHM
 Item “G” (open session) REMOVE the agenda item titled “G Speaking Engagement Report
by Rocky LaDien”
 Item “H” (open session) REMOVE the agenda item titled “H Speaking Engagement Report
by Thaddeus Schumahcer”
MOTION: Jason Walker-Crawford moved, seconded by Jeanne Severson, to adopt
the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Amendments to the Minutes
MOTION: Jason Walker-Crawford moved, seconded by Jeanne Severson, to approve the
minutes of February 13, 2013 as published. Motion carried unanimously.
Pharmacy Examining Board
Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2013
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