
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Washington Board of Pharmacy July 18, 2013 Agenda

Business Meeting Agenda
July 18, 2013
Blackriver Training and Conf Center
Puyallup Room
800 Oakesdale Ave SW
Renton, WA 98057
Tumwater WA 98501 Times and Order: The meeting will commence at 9:00 am and will continue until all
agenda items are complete. s.
Open Session 9:00 a.m.
CALL TO ORDER – Chris Barry, R.Ph., Chair
1.1 Approval of Business Meeting Agenda
1.2 Approval of May 30, 2013 Meeting Minutes
1.3 Approval of Consent Agenda
Items listed under the consent agenda are considered routine agency matters and will be approved by a single motion of the Board without separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular business agenda.2
1) NPLEx Monthly Report Acceptance
2) Pharmacies and Other Firm Application Approval
3) Pharmacy Tech Training Program Approval
a) Care Health Solutions LLC
b) Owl Pharmacy

4) Ancillary Utilization Plan Approval
5) Pharmacy Technician – Specialized Functions Approval
6) Automated Drug Dispensing Device Approval
a) Fairfax Hospital
7) Electronic Prescription Transmission System Approval
8) Sample Drug Distribution Approval
9) Household Pharmaceutical Waste Take Back Program Approval
10) Tamper Resistant Prescription Paper/Pads Approval
9:20 a.m. REPORTS
2.1 Board Member.
2.2 Executive Director.
2.3 Assistant Attorney General.
2.4 Consultant Pharmacists.
2.5 Chief Investigator/Field Investigator
3.1 Crisis Standards of Care: Update on Washington Planning. The Board will hear a presentation by Sally
Abbott, RN, MSN, Medical Surge and Healthcare Coalition Coordinator for the Department of Health’s
Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response program. Ms. Abbott will speak about how a
medical response to a disaster or public health emergency could overwhelm our healthcare system. She
will provide an update on the DOH’s work with local and state partners to plan for temporary regulatory
waivers that would be needed to facilitate care. Information/Action
3.2 Suicide Prevention Training Study Update and Presentation. A representative from the Department of
Health and the program consultants from the University of Washington will provide a presentation and
update on the Suicide Prevention Training Study required by Chapter 181, Laws of 2012 – ESHB2366.
Break (10 minutes)
4.1 Multicare Proposal for Centralized Pharmacy Services. The board will be updated on the
April proposal presented Multicare Health Systems to implement centralized services including
repackaging of non-sterile compounded oral liquids and topicals; and batching of compounded sterile
products as it relates to House Bill 1800. Information/Action.
4.2 Columbia Basin Health Association Othello Family Clinic Pharmacy – Role Based Pharmacy
Technician Ratio Proposal Revisited. The board will discuss the CBHA’s technician ratio proposal
following the on-site demonstration to DOH Pharmacist Investigator. Information/Action.3
12:00 – 12:30 p.m. Executive Session/ Lunch Break This time may also be used by the board to meet in
Executive Session to discuss personnel issues and pending litigation.
12:30 – 1:00 p.m. CASE PRESENTATION – Closed Session.
1:00 p.m. DISCUSSION ITEMS Cont’d
4.3 Remote Order Entry. The board will hear an update on the implementation of pharmacy remote order
entry services provided to Whidbey General Hospital by Cardinal Health. Information/Action
4.4 Rules and Legislation Implementation Update. Information/Action
4.5 NASCSA Annual Conference. The board will designate an attendee to the 2013 National Association of
State Controlled Substances Authorities. Information/Action.
4.6 Correspondence. The board may discuss any correspondence received or distributed.
2:00 p.m. PRESENTATIONS Cont’d
3.3 Immunization Training Program. The board will consider for approval an in-house pharmacist
immunization certification/training program proposed by Ambulatory Pharmacy Service / Multicare
Health System. Information/Action.
3.4 Transforming Communication in Healthcare. The board will hear an update by Dr. Thomas Gallagher,
(M.D.) on a project to enhance the culture of health care communication in order to improve patient
safety and decrease medical malpractice liability. Information/Action
3:30 p.m. OPEN FORUM. The purpose of the open forum is to provide the public an opportunity to
address the Board on issues of significance to or affecting the practice of pharmacy and are not related to topics
for which a hearing has or will be scheduled.
Break (10 minutes)
4:20 p.m. CLOSED SESSION Case presentations.
Next scheduled business meetings:
September 5, 2013 – 9:00 a.m.
Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission
Red Lion Hotel at the Park
303 W. North River Dr.
Spokane, WA 99201

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