
Friday, July 12, 2013

Question of the Day: July 12, 2013 Is this Where the FDA and Congress Should Start Looking When It Relates to Veterinary Compounding? How many such incidents of adverse reaction are never reported and go undetected? How many horses or other animals become ill or die a year from bad compounded medications?

From a recent discussion forum on Chronicle of the Horse:

July 10, 2013

"I had a problem with the latest vial of pentosan from Wedgewood as it was leaving lumps where we administered it (on different horses, which had previously had it from other vials and had no problem). No other issue, just pretty large lumps, so I'd notified my vet who in turn called Wedgewood. So Wedgewood is going to get my vial back to test, but can't send me a new one because as of yesterday, the raw material is not available."

So, all you pentosan addicts out there, you might want to check with your provider to see if this shortage applies to all. I have been super happy with the results on my two older horses, and planned to keep them on monthly injections. Now, I'm just hoping this isn't a lengthy shortage like the adequan one... Wedgewood had no information to share on when it might be available again.

Get us addicted, then jerk the good stuff out of reach."


July 11, 2013

"I had the same thing happen with a large swelling at the injection site, after the same horse had had multiple other Pentosan IM's from other vials. He also acted colicky and agitated afterwards and it took a few days for the swelling to go away. This happened right before an event since that's when I like to give Pentosan, so I swore it off for now and am looking for scary!"

You really should let the compounder and prescribing vet know. Otherwise, they aren't aware of problems -- when we called Wedgewood about mine, they said they had not had any reports of problems. That's why they want the bottle back to test.

I'm not swearing off pentosan as I thought it did my horses a lot of good. But I don't think I'll have much choice, given the lack of availability! My vet's office manager was calling around to different compounders this morning (including US Compounding, others have mentioned) to see if anyone could fill a script, but she was getting the same story -not available and they don't know when it will be.

quoted from here

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