
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Per NABP Attorneys General in Nebraska and Oklahoma Call On Google to Remove 'No Prescription Required' Ads from YouTube

 Topics: Counterfeit Drugs and Buying Medicine Online
Attorneys General are calling on Google to remove video ads from YouTube that promote rogue Internet sites marketing medications, including controlled substances, as “no prescription required” products. In a letter (PDF) to Google, Nebraska Attorney General Jon Brunning and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt noted that several state Attorneys General have expressed to Google their concern over ads promoting illegal medications and counterfeit products. They noted further that Google profits from these ads, among others that also promote dangerous or illegal activities. Brunning and Pruitt have requested that Google supply further related documentation and expressed that they hope to collaborate with the company to address the issue. The letter followed a meeting of the National Association of Attorneys General at which presenters shared information on the subject during asession entitled, “Intellectual Property Crimes Online: Dangerous Access to Prescription Drugs and Pirated Content.”
quoted from here

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