
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

From the FDA Blog--Dietary Supplements Containing Unsafe Food Additive Destroyed

In a victory for consumers, a Texas-based distributor of dietary supplements has destroyed its stock of two dietary supplements containing the stimulant dimethylamylamine (DMAA). 
In addition, a major distributor of the products – GNC Inc. - agreed to destroy the supplements in its possession after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) obtained seizure orders for GNC facilities in three states. GNC has already destroyed its DMAA products in two of the three states, and we expect the products in the third state to be destroyed this week. 
The products – OxyElite Pro and Jack3D, distributed by USPlabs – had an estimated retail value of more than $8.5 million. Dietary supplements containing DMAA – an amphetamine derivative – are advertised as useful for losing weight, enhancing athletic performance and building muscle. Reports implicate DMAA in the narrowing of blood vessels and arteries, which can elevate blood pressure and lead to serious medical conditions, including heart attack, seizures, psychiatric disorders and even death. FDA has received reports of more than 100 illnesses associated with products containing DMAA, including six deaths. 
continue to read here

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