
Saturday, June 1, 2013

New Mexico Board of Pharmacy Proposed Changes to Compounding Rules

During the April 18-19, 2013, New Mexico Board of Pharmacy
meeting, three regulation changes were made. One of  these
regulation changes is discussed below and relates to compounding NMAC – Compounding of Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals;
Operational Standards. This regulation revision
states that a pharmacy may no longer compound for a prescriber’s
office use. The wording allowing for office use compounding
was removed from the regulation. A compounded
medication may be sold by a pharmacy by prescription only.
The labeled compounded product is sold after receipt of a
valid prescription is issued to a specific patient.
All Board regulation changes are heard in open session
during Board meetings. Links to the proposed changes are
available online. Go to the Board Web site and click on the
agenda for the Board meeting. There you will find a link to
a proposed regulation change. Public and professional comments
are welcome. Please submit comments to the Board
through written correspondence at least 15 days prior to the
Board meeting, or you may appear in person to express your
quoted from New Mexico Board of Pharmacy June 2013 Newsletter

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