
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

CPS Expands Compounding Pharmacy Inspections Comprehensive Pharmacy Services (CPS) expands it's compounding pharmacy inspection services.

Memphis, TN (PRWEB) June 25, 2013
Memphis, TN –Comprehensive Pharmacy Services (CPS), the nation’s largest pharmacy services provider, recently completed two Compounding Pharmacy inspections. CPS began receiving inquiries for compounding pharmacy audit services after being chosen by the Massachusetts State Board of Pharmacy to assist with the inspections of the commonwealth’s compounding pharmacies in the wake of the New England Compounding Center (NECC) meningitis outbreak.
U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) compounding standards have far-reaching impact on a wide range of pharmacy policies and procedures to mitigate patient safety risks. They are designed both to reduce infections transmitted to patients through pharmaceutical products and to better protect staff working in pharmacies in the course of their exposure to pharmaceuticals. The CPS team conducted an audit for mediStat Pharmacy in Foley, Alabama, a national leader in compounding pharmacy services with over 5,000 prescribers and 25,000 patients. “We were looking for qualified experts to come in, assess our operations, and provide recommendations for safety procedure improvements”, said Jason Rogers, mediStat President.
CPS was also chosen by Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, to assist in the evaluation of potential compounding pharmacy outsourced vendors. “In light of the recent negative events affecting compounding pharmacies, VUMC wanted assurances that their patients would not be harmed through utilization of compounded pharmaceutical products. Prior to entering into any relationship with a compounding pharmacy, the medical center wanted a comprehensive inspection of the facilities and compounding practices from a company with actual experience inspecting third party compounding pharmacies for compliance,” said Sherry Umhoefer, R.Ph., DVP of Compliance and Regulatory Services for CPS.
“Companies like mediStat and Vanderbilt should be recognized for the proactive decisions they are making to improve patient care,” said Edward Choy, Pharm. D., Divisional Vice President for CPS. Choy also said he is thankful CPS had the expertise and resources available to provide compounding inspection services when the crisis occurred and hopes they can partner with other facilities to help prevent costly mistakes in the future.
About Comprehensive Pharmacy Services: CPS is the nation’s largest pharmacy services provider, partnering with more than 350 hospitals and health care facilities in 48 states (including D.C., Puerto Rico and the USVI) and employing over 1,800 pharmacy professionals. For more information, visit

Press release

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