
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Copy of Proposed Consent Decree for Permanent Injunctive Relief in FDA v. Med Prep Consulting Regarding Permanent Injunction--showing agreement between FDA and Med Prep

can be viewed here.  It appears that Med Prep and the FDA have agreed to the terms and conditions stated in the proposed consent decree.  The court will most likely sign the order as is, but it is free to reject it or parts of it in some circumstances.  As can be seen from reading this proposed consent decree for permanent injunctive relief, there are various requirements for Med Prep to do as corrective action.  Thus, showing the reports of the FDA permanently putting Med Prep out of business are exaggerated.  As noted in paragraphs 13-15 the requirement of who Med Prep must provide a copy of the decree to, including subsequently people associated with or people who buy Med Prep.

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