
Friday, May 31, 2013

The Essentials of Hospital Pharmacy Compounding Conference Friday, May 31, 2013 8:30am - 3:45pm MHA Conference Center at Executive Park Burlington, MA


With the increased federal and state focus on regulating and monitoring compounding practices at retail-based pharmacies - hospital based pharmacies need to continue their own due diligence to ensure they are meeting both federal, state, and national standards. What is not clear is the extent of the guidelines and standards that are being used by state regulators to review hospital based pharmacies. This program will provide a comprehensive look at best practices that hospitals should be using. We will also look at the proposed state law and current regulatory practices, providing examples of best practices hospitals should be considering when conducting internal audits of their own operations. To ensure that all hospitals are meeting national standards for quality and saftey, we have also invited both legislative and regulatory agency staff to discuss their latest efforts and to hear their expectations for providers' practice. We will conclude with a reactor panel to generate further discussion and provide an opportunity for dialogue.
8:30am      Overview of Current Legislation & Regulatory Initiatives                    Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez
Member of Massachusetts House of Representatives
9:00am       Hospital & Retail Compounding Pharmacies:
                    Expectations & Best Practices
                    Madeleine Biondolillo, M.D., Director, Bureau of Health
                    Care Safety & Quality, Commonwealth of MA -
                    Dept. of Public Health
9:45am       BREAK
10:00am    The Essential Quality & Safety Elements for
                    Hospital Compounding Pharmacies
                    Eric Kastango, MBA, RPh, FASHP, Principal
                    CLINICALIQ, LLC & CriticalPoint, LLC
11:30am    BREAK
11:45am     Infection Prevention in Hospital Compounding Pharmacy                  
                    Keith H. St. John, MS, CIC, Director, Clinical Epidemiology,
                    Pharmacy OneSource/Wolters Kluwer Health
12:30 pm    LUNCHEON
1:15pm       Best Practices for Audits, Internal Processes,
                    and Infection Control
                    William Churchill, MS, R.Ph., Chief of Service,
                    Department of Pharmacy Services
                    Brigham & Women’s Hospital
2:30pm      Break
2:45pm      Update from the National Front                   Gary Kerr, PharmD, MBA, Chief Pharmacy Officer
                   Baystate Health, Inc., & President, Massachusetts Society
                   of Health-System Pharmacists
                    Reactor Panel: What if there is an Audit at Your Hospital?                    Moderator: Gary Kerr
                    Panelists will be the speakers from the program.
                    There will be time for audience interaction, Q&A


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