Saturday, May 4, 2013

Reminder: Louisiana State Board of Pharmacy Public Hearing Regarding Compounding for Prescriber's use or Office Use Compounding on May 30, 2013

2013-1.2 ~ Compounding for Prescriber's Use  [Source: Regulatory Proposal 2013-E]
               01-29-2013     Board issued Declaration of Emergency & Emergency Rule, to become effective on 01-31-2013.
               01-30-2013     Distributed required Notice of Emergency to Office of the Governor, Office of the Attorney General, Office of the President of the Senate, Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Office of the Director of the Louisiana Register.
               01-30-2013     Distributed electronic Notice of Rulemaking Activity to all pharmacies, all pharmacists, and List of Interested Parties.

2013-1.1 ~ Compounding for Prescriber's Use [Source: Regulatory Proposal 2013-D]
               12-13-2012     Board issued Declaration of Emgergency & Emergency Rule, effective immediately.
               12-16-2012     Distributed electronic Notice of Emergency Rule to all pharmacies, all pharmacists, and List of Interested Parties.
               12-17-2012     Distributed required Notice of Emergency to Office of the Governor, Office of the Attorney General, Office of the President of the Senate, Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Office of the Director of the Louisiana Register.
               01-18-2013     Louisiana Senate Committee on Health and Welfare rejected the emergency rule.  The effect of that decision was to void the December 13, 2012 emergency rule, effective immediately.  However, in recognition of the continuing potential risk, the legislative committee directed the Board to develop a replacement emergency rule with a different balance of risk vs benefit within two weeks.
               01-18-2013     Provided notice of legislative decision by distributing electronic Notice of Rulemaking Activity to all pharmacies, all pharmacists, and List of Interested Parties.
               01-29-2013     This project terminated with submission of replacement emergency rule, tracked as Regulatory Project 2013-1.2 (see above).

2013-1 ~ Compounding for Prescriber's Use [Source: Regulatory Proposal 2013-D]
               01-20-2013     1st Report: Notice of Intent
               02-27-2013     Public Hearing
               03-06-2013     Board considered comments; instructed staff to submit revised language for additional comment at a future public hearing.
               04-19-2013     Distributed electronic Notice of Rulemaking Activity to List of Interested Parties as well as all pharmacies and all pharmacists.
               04-20-2013     Potpourri Notice
               05-30-2013     Public Hearing

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