
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Question of the Day; May 7, 2013 Wouldn't One Very Easy Way to Make Compound Pharmacy Inspections More Transparent Be To Require Compounding Pharmacies To Keep a Folder Available and Accessible to the Public On Their Counter With The Last Ten Years of All Inspections Reports from Any State Board or Federal Agency?

In the state of Oklahoma for example, all daycares are required to maintain a folder for public to inspect.  Here is required for daycares in Oklahoma:

(f) Compliance file.  A compliance file accessible to staff, parents, and others contains:
  • (1) the most recent child care licensing monitoring report provided by the licensing specialist;
  • (2) the following documents issued by Licensing within the last 120 days:
    • (A) child care licensing monitoring reports and licensing correspondence;
    • (B) Form 07LC037E, Notice to Comply;
    • (C) licensing complaints; and
    • (D) Form 04CP004E, Child Welfare Investigative Summary Notification to Oklahoma Child Care Services, with findings of unconfirmed or unsubstantiated to include findings of services not needed, ruled out, or services recommended; and
  • (3) Form 04CP004E, Child Welfare Investigative Summary Notification to Oklahoma Child Care Services, with findings ofconfirmed or substantiated, for one year from the completion of the investigation.

source found here.  Why could there not be similar laws, rules or regulations for compounding pharmacy, especially for those states who do not provide on-line access to the disciplinary records and inspection reports.   This file could also include information regarding all pharmacists involved in compounding in the pharmacy.  This would not cost the state anything to implement, it would make more records accessible to the public--including doctors, veterinarians, and the public.  It might also encourage some pharmacies and pharmacists to strive to keep a clean record.

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