
Sunday, May 26, 2013

March Minutes from Arizona Board of Pharmacy-Update on Compounding Task Force Meeting

AGENDA ITEM #17 – Update on Compounding Task Force Meeting
Dr. Musil addressed this agenda item.
Dr. Musil stated that the first meeting was more of an informal meeting with the introduction of
the task force members.
Dr. Musil stated that the task force discussed having separate licenses for compounding
Dr. Musil stated that the task force looked at the rules to see if separate requirements could be
put in place for resident and non-resident pharmacies.
Dr. Musil stated that the task force talked about compounding during shortages and the
appropriate way it should be handled.
Dr. Musil stated that the task force talked about the compounding of medications for office use
and the 5% limit.
Dr. Musil stated that the task force talked about accreditation and if the pharmacists should have
to be certified to compound.
Mr. Wand stated that the Board may want to consider a higher fee for non-resident pharmacies to
allow for inspections.

Read entire minutes here

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