
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Is it True: Pharma Trying to put Vet Compounding Pharmacies Out of Business?

ig Pharma Trying to put Vet Compounding Pharmacies Out of Business
Proven ingredients mixed to create effective medicines to become illegal if big pharma gets it's way. These money hungry sluts want to control everything related to the drug market. No doubt medication for people will be next!


You have used compounded medications for your pet, and those medications are under attack by the big drug companies.

The big drug companies are trying to intrude on your relationship with your veterinarian and your pets. Last month, a provision they proposed was temporarily removed from a Senate bill (S.959) that would have greatly limited your vet’s ability to prescribe compounded medication for dogs, cats and horses.

This provision allowed the FDA to severely restrict compounded medications for dogs, cats and horses. Treatment options for elephants, giraffes, hamsters and other “minor species” were not limited. Yes, you are reading this correctly. The proposal actually targets family pets and horses. Why? Because that’s where the money is.

The proposal is the work of the Animal Health Institute (AHI), a group created and funded by the big drug companies. They want your money. You and your vet want the best possible care for your pets.

We know that many pet owners rely on compounded medication to treat serious and chronic conditions in your pets. They can be literally lifesavers. But now, we hear those corporate interests who would put profits before pets are hoping to insert this provision back in as early as late June when S.959 is debated on the Senate floor. As one AHI lobbyist was quoted in the trade press: “We hope our absence from the bill is temporary.” What’s more, the same drug company lobbyist criticized the “permissiveness” of the original language restricting treatment options for your pets. Have they no shame? 

We can’t let that happen. The consequences are too severe. Please take action today to tell Congress to leave medical decisions about dogs, cats and horses to you and your veterinarian.

Animal Health Institute - Big Pharma lobby group. Located 1000 feet from the White House.

This post is quoted from here

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