
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Iowa Board of Pharamcy March 12-13, 2013 Board Minutes

March 12-13, 2013
The Iowa Board ofPharmacy met on March 12-13, 2013, in the conference room at 400 SW
Eighth Street, Des Moines, Iowa. Chairperson Frey called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m.
Susan M. Frey, Chairperson
DeeAnn Wedemeyer Oleson, Vice-Chair
LaDonna Gratias
Edward L. Maier
Edward J. McKenna
James Miller (absent 9:45-10:45 A.M. on 3/13/13)
Margaret M. Whitworth
Anthony Pudlo, IPA
Emily Dykstra, IPRN
Todd Thompson, Thompson & Thompson
Bret Barker, NuCara
Brett Bieber, Mercy Medical Center
Chris Clayton, Allen Hospital
Brenda Riesenberg, Allen Hospital
JeffDoherty, Johnson & Johnson
Susan Zalenski, Johnson & Johnson
Gary Shortley. Iowa Veterans Home
Lloyd Jessen, Executive Director
Theresa Weeg, Esq., Assistant Attorney
Meghan Gavin, Esq., Assistant Attorney
Therese Witkowski, Executive Officer
Debbie Jorgenson, Administrative Assistant
Becky Hall, Secretary
Compliance Officers Present:
Curt Gerhold
Mark Mather
Sue Mears
Jean Rhodes
Jennifer Tiffany
Jennifer O'Toole
Jim Wolfe
I. Administrative Hearings.
A. Hughes Health Mart Pharmacy. Pharmacy License No. 649,Emmetsburg; and Gregory
Hoyman, Pharmacist License No. 13496. Emmetsburg.March 12-13, 2013 Page2ofl3
On November9, 2012, the Iowa Boardof Pharmacy found probable cause to fileStatement
ofCharges against theabove-named individuals. OnJanuary 15, 2013, Mr. Hoyman
appeared before the Board. OnJanuary 30, 2013, the Iowa Board issuedFinding ofFact,
Conclusion ofLaw, Decision andOrdertoHughes Health Mart Pharmacy andGregory
Hoyman placingthe pharmacy'slicense andMr. Hoyman's pharmacist license onprobation
andsubject to terms andconditions. OnFebruary 5, 2013,Mr.Hoyman requested a rehearing
and appeared before the Board on March 12, 2013.
Assistant Attorney Meghan Gavin represented the Board. MargaretLaMarche.
Administrative Law Judge for the State, presided. Hughes Health MartPharmacy andMr.
Hoyman appeared without counsel. Tony Kauten, staff pharmacist, spoke on behalf of Mr.
Hoyman. The hearing was conducted in the presence of the Board. The hearing was closed
to the public. Mr. Maier recused himself.
The Board heard testimony ofwitnesses and examined the exhibits.
B. Cory Ernst, Pharmacist License No. 20122, Altoona.
On June 27, 2012, the Iowa Board ofPharmacy found probable cause to file Statement of
Charges againstthe above-named individual. OnJanuary 15, 2013, Mr. Ernstappeared
before the Board. On January 30, 2013, the Iowa Board issued Findingsof Fact,
Conclusions ofLaw, Decision and Order establishing certain conditions that Mr. Ernst
must meet prior to filingreinstatement of his pharmacist license. On February 5,2013, Mr.
Ernst requested a rehearing and appeared before the Board on March 12, 2013.
Assistant Attorney General Meghan Gavin represented theBoard. Margaret LaMarche.
Administrative Law Judge for the State, presided. Mr. Ernst appearedwithout counsel.
The hearing was conducted in the presence of theBoard. The hearing wasclosed to the
Motion (Gratias/Miller) to go into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code section
21.5(l)(f) to deliberate. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, McKenna, Miller, Oleson,
Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: Maier; Absent: None. Passed: 6-0-1-0. Abstain: Maier.
Motion (Miller/Oleson) to gointo open session. Roll callvote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier.
McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed:
Motion (Miller/Gratias) todeny request toremove the terms ofprobation for Hughes Health
Mart Pharmacy andGregory Hoyman. Passed: 6-0-1-0. Abstain: Maier. Acopy ofBoard
Ruling Denying Rehearing Request is attached as Addendum A.
Motion (Miller/McKenna) todenyCory Ernst'srequest forrehearing. Passed: 7-0-0-0. A
copy of BoardRuling Denying Request forRehearing is attached asAddendum B.
II. Closed Session.
Motion (Maier/Miller) to go into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code Section
21.5(l)(a) toreview complaint orinvestigative information required by Section 272C.6(4)
tobe kept confidential, 21.5(l)(d)todiscuss whether to initiate licensee disciplinaryMarch 12-13,2013 Page 3 of 13
investigations or formal charges, and 21.5(l)(f) to discuss the decision to be rendered in a
contested case. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier, McKenna, Miller. Oleson.
Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
Motion (Oleson/McKenna) to go into open session. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias.
Maier, McKenna, Miller. Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None.
Passed: 7-0-0-0.
A. John Doe.
On June 12, 2012, the Iowa Board ofPharmacy issued a Confidential Order for Evaluation
for the above-named individual.
Assistant Attorney General Meghan Gavin represented the Board. Margaret LaMarche,
Administrative Law Judge for the State, presided. The above-named individual was
represented by Alfredo Parrish. The hearing was conducted in the presence of the Board.
The hearing was closed to the public.
The Board examined the exhibits.
B. Kathy J. Simonton, Pharmacy Technician Registration No. 4159, Desoto.
On January 16, 2013, the Iowa Board ofPharmacy found probable cause to file Statement
ofCharges and Notice ofHearing against the above-named individual.
Assistant Attorney General Theresa Weeg represented the Board. Margaret LaMarche,
Administrative Law Judge for the State, presided. Ms. Simonton appeared without counsel.
The hearing was conducted in the presence of the Board. The hearing was closed to the
The Board heard testimony ofwitnesses and examined the exhibits.
C. Gary E. Baker, Pharmacist License No. 14995, Harlan.
On November 18, 2009, the Iowa Board ofPharmacy found probable cause to file
Statement ofCharges against the above-named individual. On April 29, 2010, the Board
accepted the Voluntary Surrender of Mr. Baker's pharmacist's license. Mr. Bakerappeared
before the Board on March 12, 2013, for the purpose ofreinstatement of hispharmacist
Assistant Attorney General Meghan Gavinrepresented theBoard. Margaret LaMarche,
Administrative Law Judge for the State, presided. Mr. Baker appeared withoutcounsel.
The hearing was conducted in the presence of the Board. The hearing was closed to the
The Board examined the exhibits.
Motion (Oleson/Maier) to go into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code section
21.5(1)(0 to deliberate. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier, McKenna. Miller,
Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed: 7-0-0-0.March 12-13,2013 Page 4 of 13
Motion (Maier/McKenna) to go into open session. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias,
Maier, McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None.
Passed: 7-0-0-0.
In open session, motion (Maier/Oleson) to direct Administrative Law Judge LaMarche to
draft the decision ofthe Board in the Doe case. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier.
McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed:
Motion (Miller/Oleson) to go into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code section
21.5(l)(f) to deliberate. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier, McKenna. Miller,
Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
Motion (Maier/McKenna) to go into open session. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias,
Maier, McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None.
Passed: 7-0-0-0.
In open session, motion (Miller/Oleson) to direct Administrative Law Judge LaMarche to
draft the decision ofthe Board in the Simonton case. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias,
Maier, McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None.
Passed: 7-0-0-0.
Motion (Miller/Oleson) to go into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code section
21.5(l)(f) to deliberate. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier, McKenna, Miller,
Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
Motion (Maier/Miller) to go into open session. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier,
McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed:
In open session, motion (Maier/Whitworth) to direct Administrative Law Judge LaMarche
to draft the decision ofthe Board in the Baker case. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias,
Maier, McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None.
Passed: 7-0-0-0.
III. Closed Session.
Motion (Miller/Maier) to go into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code Section
21.5(l)(a) to review complaint or investigative information required by Section 272C.6(4)
to be kept confidential, 21.5(l)(d) to discuss whether to initiate licensee disciplinary
investigations or formal charges, and 21.5(l)(f) to discuss the decision to be rendered in a
contested case. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier, McKenna, Miller, Oleson,
Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
Motion (Maier/Oleson) to go into open session. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias. Maier.
McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed:
VI. Approval ofMinutes.March 12-13, 2013 Page 5 of 13
The Minutes ofthe January 15-16, 2013, meeting, the January 30, 2013, teleconference
meeting, and the February 26-27, 2013, meeting were read.
Motion (Miller/Maier) to approve the minutes ofthe January 15-16, 2013, meeting. Passed:
Motion (Maier/McKenna) to approve the minutes ofthe January 30, 2013, teleconference
meeting. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
Motion (Miller/Gratias) to approve the minutes ofthe February 26-27, 2013, meeting. Passed:
V. Reports.
Executive Director's Report.
A. Items ofInterest.
1. New Board Members.
The Governor's office has appointed Judith M. Trumpy (public member) ofAmes and
Sharon K. Meyer (pharmacist) ofUrbandale to serve as board members for the Iowa
Board ofPharmacy. Their terms will begin May 1, 2013.
2. New Assistant Attorney General
Sarah Scott was introduced as a new Assistant Attorney General for the Iowa Board
3. Patient Safety Task Force Update.
The Patient Safety Task Force Committee held its fourth meeting on March 6, 2013.
A report will be provided to the Board at a later date for review.
B. Financial.
FY as of2/28/13 (66.7% ofthe FY completed)
1. Revenues are at 79% Projections.
Revenue Anticipated: $4,490,054
Revenue to date: $3,549,919 (Includes fee receipts of$1,460,285 and
carry-over of$2,089,634)
Total Fines/Penalties: $47,575
Anticipated Drop inRevenuesin2nd HalfofFY13 due toFee Reduction: $ 130,000
2. Expenditures are at 53% ofProjections.
Budget Allocation: $4,568,718 (Includes $1,050,000 for IT and carry-overof
$1,225,583)March 12-13, 2013 Page 6 of 13
Anticipated: $2,415,883
Paid to date: $1,316,277
3. Iowa Pharmacy Recovery Network (IPRN)
Carry-over $26,934
Transfer from Fees $73,000
Available Receipts $112,629
Contract Balance $45,833
C. Meetings and Travel.
1. The April Board Meeting isscheduled for April 23-24, 2013. Administrative
hearings will be held on April 23, 2013, at the board office in Des Moines. The
open session Board Meeting will be held on April 24 at the Adair Community
Center in Adair.
2. An administrative hearing will be held on June 4-5, 2013, at the Board office in
Des Moines.
3. The June Board Meeting is scheduled for June 25-26, 2013. Administrative hearings
will be held on June 25, 2013, at the board office in Des Moines. The open session
Board Meeting will be held on June 26, 2013, in Council Bluffs. The location ofthe
meeting to be determined at a later date.
4. The 109th NABP Annual Meeting will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, on May 18-21,
2013. James Miller and Susan Frey plan to attend the meeting.
D. Western Iowa Outreach Program.
The Board will hold an Outreach Meeting on Tuesday evening, June 25, 2013, in
Council Bluffs. The location ofthe meeting to be determined at a later date.
E. IPRN Report.
Emily Dykstra provided the IPRN Report.
F. NPLEx Annual Report - Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy.
Informational item only.
G. HealthPartners Expands Virtuwell Online Clinic to Michigan.March 12-13,2013 Page 7 of 13
Residents ofMichigan and anyone traveling within the state ofMichigan will now
be able to access care for common medical conditions through virtuwell®, a 24/7
online clinic. Michigan residents can access care at to begin an online
interview and receive a prescription when appropriate without having to see a provider
in-person. Michigan is the third state in which virtuwell has been introduced. Nearly
50,000 customers in Minnesota and Wisconsin have received treatment plans from
virtuwell® since the online clinic was launched in late 2010. DirectorJessen will
communicate information regarding the service to the Nursing Board, Physician
Assistant Board, and appropriate healthcare people.
H. UIHC Works to Curb Side Effects ofPrescription Abuse.
Informational item only.
I. Compounding/Manufacturing.
Informational item only.
J. Telepharmacy Committee Report.
The first meeting ofthe Telepharmacy Committee was held on February 14, 2013.
Comments from the meeting were provided for Board review.
K. Victor Drug Telepharmacy Quarterly Report - Todd Thompson.
Victor Drug submitted their second Telepharmacy Quarter Report for Board review.
Todd Thompson was available to answer questions and concerns from the Board.
L. Tech-Check-Tech Quarterly Report - Gayle Mayer, Spencer Hospital.
Spencer Hospital submitted their fourth Tech-Check-Tech Quarterly Report for Board
M. Pharmacy Compounding.
Inspectors from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration began inspecting specialty
compounding pharmacies on February 19, 2013, and will continue over the next two
months to inspect around 30 facilities. Discussion was held regarding board rule 20.3(1)
Compounding Commercially Available Product and Iowa pharmacists purchasing
compounding drugs when commercial drugs are available. DirectorJessen will draft a
letter to Iowa hospital pharmacies reminding them ofthe board rule on pharmacy
compounding and draft a letter to medical clinics explaining the differences between a
manufacturer and a compounding pharmacy. The letters will be reviewed by the Board
prior to being distributed.March 12-13,2013 Page 8 of 13
N. Iowa Pharmacy Association's Comments to Drug Enforcement Administration Rules.
The Iowa Pharmacy Association provided for review the comments they sent to the
Drug Enforcement Administration regarding their proposed rulemaking on the disposal
ofcontrolled substances. Communication will be sent to the Iowa Healthcare Association
notifying them to continue their current process ofdisposing ofmedications for their
nursing home clients.
VII. Requests.
A. Request for Waiver - 657 I.A.C. 9.3(2), Automated Medication Distribution Systems and
Telepharmacy Services- NuCara Management Group, Conrad.
Motion (Maier/Oleson) to approve as a request for a pilot project for 18 months, effective
April 1, 2013, and provide quarterly reports. Passed: 6-0-1-1. Abstain: Frey; Absent:
B. Request for Waiver - 657 I.A.C. 9.3(2) Telepharmacy - Thompson & Thompson LTC
Pharmacies, Todd Thompson.
Motion (Maier/Whitworth) to approve as a request for a pilot project for the Brooklyn and
West Liberty pharmacy locations, for 18 months, effective April 1, 2013, and provide
quarterly reports. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
C. Request for Waiver - 657 I.A.C. 8.15(1) Alternate Methods- Rashid Pharmacy, Fort
Motion (Miller/Maier) to deny the request for waiver. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
D. Request for Waiver - 657 I.A.C. 9.15(2) Bar Coding or Technology-Based Verification is
Available and Used - Baum Harmon Mercy Hospital, Sioux City.
Motion (Miller/McKenna) to approve the request for waiver for two years and provide
quarterly reports. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
E. Request for Consideration - EM Opiate Prescription Guideline, Gary T. Hemann, DO.
FACP, FACEEP, Department ofEmergency Medicine, Mercy Medical Center, Des
This item was tabled for additional information.
F. Waiver ofNonresident Pharmacy Permit & Licensing for Continuity of Care - Terry Isler,
Pharmacy Specialist, Florida.
Motion (Maier/Whitworth) to deny the request. Passed: 7-0-0-0.March 12-13, 2013 Page9 of 13
G. Plain Paper Prescriptions - LisaMascardo, University of Iowa Hospitals andClinics.
A letter will be sent to the University ofIowa Hospitals and Clinics explaining the Board
does not have rules or guidelines on plain paper prescriptions and cannot give an official
position on formats. Pharmacists filling the prescriptions will need to continue to contact
the University ofIowa to verify the authenticity ofthe prescriptions.
H. Janssen Connect Program - JeffDoherty, Johnson & Johnson.
JeffDoherty provided a presentation and brochure giving a general overview ofthe
Janssen Connect Program. Janssen Connect provides assistance to help support patients
prescribed long-acting injectable atypical antipsychotics. Information was provided on
the patient enrollment form, selection ofservices provided, and alternate sites ofcare for
the program. Johnson and Johnson have contracted with BioSource Corporation to create
a network and are planning to launch the program in Iowa.
I. Proposal to Implement Tech Check Tech Program at Allen Memorial Hospital. Waterloo -
Chris Clayton, Director ofPharmacy.
Motion (Maier/Miller) to approve the Tech-Check-Tech Proposal for Allen Memorial
Hospital with quarterly reports being provided for the first year and an annualsummary
provided thereafter. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
J. Petition for Declaratory Order - Iowa Veterans Home Pharmacy, Marshalltown- Gary
Shortley, Interim Director ofPharmacy.
Motion (Maier/Miller) to refuse to issue a Declaratory Order. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
Motion (Oleson/Gratias) to direct Director Jessen to draft a letter to Mr. Shortlyat the
Iowa Veterans Home citing the relevant Iowa Code 155A.3 that defines the definition of
dispensing. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
VIII. Closed Session.
Motion (Maier/Miller) to go into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code Section
21.5(l)(a) to review complaint orinvestigative information required by Section272C.6(4)
to bekept confidential, 21.5(l)(d) todiscuss whether to initiate licensee disciplinary
investigations or formal charges, and 21.5(l)(f) to discuss the decision to be rendered in a
contested case. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier, McKenna, Miller, Oleson, No:
None; Abstain: None; Absent: Whitworh. Passed: 6-0-0-1.
Motion (Gratias/Maier) to go into opensession. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier,
McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth; No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed:
In open session, the following actions were taken.
A. Amend Motion.March 12-13,2013 Page 10 of 13
Motion (Miller/Oleson) to amend the March 12, 2012, motion to go intoClosed Session to
addgrounds for basisprovided in Iowa Code Section 21.5(l)(c) to discussstrategy with
counsel. Roll call vote. Yes: Frey, Gratias, Maier, McKenna, Miller, Oleson, Whitworth;
No: None; Abstain: None; Absent: None. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
B. Close With No Action.
Motion (Miller/Maier) to close with no further action the investigative file incomplaint
numbers 2012-187, 2012-193, 2013-12, and 2013-15. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
C. Indefinite Suspension.
Motion (Miller/Maier) to accept the indefinite suspension ofRobert Tobin, M.D., CSA
Registration No. 1234839 ofCouncil Bluffs. A copy of the OrderAccepting Surrender
ofControlled Substance Registration is attached as Addendum C. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
D. Voluntary Surrender.
Motion (McKenna/Miller) to accept the Voluntary SurrenderofSergioParadiso, M.D..
CSA Registration No. 1240131 of Iowa City. A copy ofthe Order AcceptingSurrender
ofControlled Substance Registration is attached as Addendum D. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
E. Order to Show Cause.
Motion (McKenna/Oleson) to approve Show Cause Order in the case ofLance Forbes.
D.D.S., CSA Registration No. 141831 of Cedar Rapids. A copy ofthe Order to Show
Cause is attached as Addendum E. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
F. Letter ofEducation.
Motion (Miller/Maier) to send a Letter ofEducation to the pharmacist andpharmacy in case
2011-149. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
G. Dismiss Statement ofCharges.
Motion (Miller/Oleson) to dismiss Statement ofCharges filed against Lisa Kriegel, Pharmacist
License No. 19193 ofCedar Rapids. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
H. Administrative Warning.
Motion (McKenna/Miller) to send anAdministrative Warning to thepharmacy, pharmacist in
charge, all staffpharmacist, Corporate office, and District Manager in2013-8, pharmacy and
pharmacist incharge in2013-21, andpharmacy, pharmacist incharge, all staffpharmacists.
Corporate office, and District Manager in 2013-23. Passed: 7-0-0-0.March 12-13, 2013 Page 11 of 13
I. Draft Statement ofCharges.
Motion (Miller/Oleson) to draft Statement ofCharges against the selling pharmacy in case
2013-6. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
J. Draft Statement ofCharges.
Motion (McKenna/Oleson) to draft Statement ofCharges reciprocal with the out-of-state
action in cases 2013-29 and 2013-30. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
K. Statement ofCharges, Settlement Agreement and Order (Combined).
Motion (Maier/Oleson) to approve the Statement ofCharges, Settlement Agreement and
Order (Combined) in the following cases. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
1. Fedders Health Mart, Pharmacy License No. 562 ofBritt. A copy ofthe Statement of
Charges, Settlement Agreement and Order (Combined) is attached as Addendum F.
2. Gaylord Victora, Pharmacist License No. 15091 ofWebster City. A copy of the Statement
ofCharges, Settlement Agreement and Order (Combined) is attached as Addendum G
L. Settlement Agreement and Final Order.
Motion (Maier/Oleson) to approve the Settlement Agreement and Final Order in the following
cases. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
1. Laura L. Dickinson, Pharmacist License No. 16852 of Johnston. A copy ofthe Settlement
Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum H.
2. Walgreens Pharmacy#07452. Pharmacy License No. 674 of DesMoines. A copy of the
Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum I.
3. Walgreens Pharmacy #03876. Pharmacy License No. 1033 of Marion. A copy of the
Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum J.
4. Walgreens Pharmacy #04714, Pharmacy License No. 459 ofDes Moines. A copy of
the Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum K.
5. Karlie Douglas, Pharmacist License No. 20884 ofLouisville, Kentucky. A copy of
the Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum L.
6. Michael Lyons, Pharmacist License No. 16764 ofWest DesMoines, pending receipt of
signed settlement. A copy ofthe Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as
Addendum M.
7. Deanna Stampler, Pharmacy Technician Registration No. 12744 of DesMoines, pending
receipt ofsigned settlement. A copy ofthe Settlement Agreement and Final Order is
attached as Addendum N.
8. Walgreens Pharmacy #07833, Pharmacy License No. 292 of DesMoines. Acopy of
the Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum O.March 12-13, 2013 Page 12of 13
9. Amanda Hicks, Pharmacist License No. 20681ofJohnston. A copy ofthe Settlement
Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum P.
10. Walgreens Pharmacy #07452, License No. 674 of Des Moines. A copy of the Settlement
Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum Q.
11. Matthew Sales, Pharmacist LicenseNo. 21127ofDes Moines, pending receipt of signed
settlement. A copy ofthe Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum R.
12. Walgreens Pharmacy #07967, License No. 1257ofClive. A copy of the Settlement
Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum S.
13. Karla Fiori, Pharmacist License No. 18081 of Grimes, pending receipt of signedsettlement.
A copy ofthe Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum T.
14. Walgreens Pharmacy #07452, Pharmacy License No. 674 of DesMoines. Acopy of the
Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum U.
15. Walgreens Pharmacy #00910. License No. 276 of Sioux City. A copy of the Settlement
Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum V.
16. MaryPehling, Pharmacist License No. 16232 of Scottsdale, Arizona. A copy of the
Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum W.
17. Deborah M. Abdel-Hadi. Pharmacy Technician Trainee Registration No. 17808 of Webster
City. A copy ofthe Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum X.
18. Cornell M. Badura,Pharmacist License No. 19391 of Cedar Falls. A copy of theSettlement
Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum Y.
M. Settlement Agreement and Final Order.
Motion (Miller/Maier) to approve theSettlement Agreement andFinal Order inthe case ofJoedy
K. Wynn, Pharmacy Technician RegistrationNo. 15675 ofCorning. Passed:6-0-1-0. Abstain:
Frey. A copy ofthe Settlement Agreement and Final Order is attached as Addendum Z.
N. StatementofCharges and Notice ofHearing.
Motion (Miller/Gratias) toapprove theStatement ofCharges andNotice ofHearing inthe
following cases. Passed: 7-0-0-0.
1. Edward M. Degeneffe, Pharmacist License No. 18430 ofSioux City. Acopy of the
Statement ofCharges and Notice ofHearing is attached as Addendum AA.
2. John E.Guck, Pharmacist License No. 18556 ofLibertyville. A copy of theStatement
ofCharges and Notice ofHearing is attached as Addendum BB.
3. Joseph J.Campanelli, Pharmacist Intern Registration No. 5072 ofIowaCity. Acopy of
the Statement ofCharges and Notice ofHearing is attached as Addendum CC.
4. Medicap Pharmacy, Pharmacy License No. 189of Panora. A copy of the Statement of
Charges and Notice ofHearing is attached as Addendum DD.March 12-13, 2013 Page 13 of 13
5. Patricia Randel, Pharmacist License No. 18060 ofGreenfield. Acopy ofthe Statement
of Charges and Notice ofHearing is attached as Addendum EE.
6. ButlerSchein AnimalHealth Supply, Wholesale License No. 5512 ofColumbus, Ohio.
A copy of the StatementofCharges and Noticeof Hearing is attached asAddendum FF.
7. Daniel Ashton, Jr., Pharmacist License No. 13182 ofEffingham, Illinois. Acopy ofthe
Statement ofCharges and Notice ofHearing is attached as Addendum GG.
8. Postal Prescription Services, Nonresident Pharmacy License No. 3298 ofPortland, Oregon.
A copy of the StatementofCharges and Notice of Hearing is attached asAddendum HH.
N. Order to Show Cause.
Motion (Maier/Oleson) to approve the Order to Show Cause in the case ofMichael J. White.
DVM, Controlled SubstanceRegistration No. 1510160 of Dubuque. Passed: 6-0-1-0. Abstain:
Miller. A copy ofthe Order to Show Cause is attached as Addendum II.
O. Order to Show Cause.
Motion (Miller/Maier) toapprove the OrdertoShow Cause in thecase ofJimmy Mascaro, DO,
Controlled Substance Registration No. 1306300,ofSmithtown, New York. Passed: 7-0-0-0. A
copy ofthe Order to Show Cause is attached as Addendum JJ.
Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. on March 13, 2013.
tfjefa HOI
Becky Hal
Recording Secretary
Susan M. Frey
Executive Director Board Chair

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