
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Transition 101: To the Great Compounding Pharmacists-- We Need You, We Must Have You. You are Valued!

My life is in transition right now.  I keep telling my family if they will just be patient right now then our lives will be easier this time next year.  Right now, major decisions are being made.  In the mean time things are in chaos.  Everything appears gray and confusing.  My family and I are left wondering what the future will look like for us.  I keep reminding them that next year things will not be so up in the air.  The decisions will be behind us.  The chaos will be smoothed out.   We will know more about our future.  We will have moved forward.  To my family I remind them. I need them. I must have them on board with me during this transition.

The transition in my life right now makes me think of the compounding world.  To those involved in the compounding world major decisions are being made.  In the mean time things are in chaos. Compounding pharmacists are left without a clear picture of what their future holds.  The laws that are in place are gray and confusing.  There is no clear direction of who will have jurisdiction over what compounding.  There is no clear indication of  what new laws governing compounding by states or the federal government will be in place.  I do wonder what the future law of compounding will look like.  I do keep thinking that this time next year things will surely not be so up in the air.  The decisions for the most part will be behind us.  The chaos will have started to be smoothed out.  We will know more about the laws and how they will be applied.  This time next year we will have moved forward.

This is a time of transition for the compounding world, both human and animal.  I am sure for those who deal with the hands on side of it everyday--unlike those of us who deal with the words on the paper--it is frustrating.  You need answers.   You need clear answers.  You need decisions.   You need it now.  We must not lose sight of all the great compounding pharmacies and pharmacists who do great work every single day, who strive to comply with every regulation, guideline, rule, and law and then some, who save human and animal lives and who feel like they are getting overlooked or overshadowed  by the focus on the bad compounders.   These great compounding pharmacists are the people who will have to live with and deal with on a daily basis whatever new rules, regulations, and laws are adopted or enacted.  These are the people who we don't want to lose or run off during this trying time and transition period.  

To the great compounding pharmacists  who are thinking it is just not worth it anymore, please remember that while it may not seem like it right now, you do make a difference in what you do,  and the public needs you and we must have you!  You are valued!

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