
Friday, April 26, 2013

Summary of Dr. Hamburg's Comments at FDLI Conference

Dr. Hamburg Opens Up FDLI Conference – Cites Budget Situation - Once again, FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg opened up the FDLI Conference here in Washington this week with an address that provided a comprehensive look at current agency activities and priorities.  She noted that the times are challenging, though the challenges traditionally faced by an agency with such a large mandate is “made all he more difficult as we seek to fulfill our mission with the added pressure of the ‘new austerity’.”  She said that FDA stands to lose approximately 209 million dollars this fiscal year – with $126 million in budget authority and $83 million of that in user fees because although the fees will continue to be collected, they will remain deposited with the U.S. Treasury.  She also provided overviews on the status of implementation of key legislation such as the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009, the Food Safety Modernization Act and FDASIA as well as discussing aspects of the compounding issue.

Quoted from here

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