
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Side effects Scandal impairs A.G.’s ability First Published Apr 03 2013 05:16 pm • Last Updated Apr 03 2013 05:16 pm

Imagine, if you can, a Utah with an attorney general so free of scandal and suspicion that, when a business comes to him for help, nobody worries that the fix might be in.
OK. So even Walt Disney’s imagination wasn’t that big.
An outfit called KV Pharmaceuticals met with Utah Attorney General John Swallow the other day, pleading its case that Utah’s Medicaid program is breaking the law by buying a cheaper substitute for one of its products. It is a case that involves many issues: Medicaid spending, the political pull that drug-makers have and the question of whether, when it comes to life-saving prescription medicine, cheaper is better.
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