Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Question of Day 4/16/2013 Why Are State Boards of Pharmacy Ignoring Companies Such As Apothecure and NuVision Being One and The Same?

1 comment:

Kenneth Woliner, MD said...

There is a misperception here. Everyone yells, "Why isn't the state Board of Pharmacy do something?!" what they don't realize, the bottleneck in discipline isn't the pharmacy board. No. The board, made up of volunteers, are "hanging judges" more often than not.

The real bottleneck in discipline isn't the Board of Pharmacy, but is the State employees who work in the Department of Health's Bureau of Enforcement. A "culture of complacency" is the rule. "Good enough for government work" is a phrase that comes from somewhere, and I'm convinced the Florida Department of Health is the poster child for lackadaisical attitudes about protecting the public.

I just received an e-mail today from the Florida Department of Health (Bureau of Enforcement) who said, "from now on, we won't respond to your queries. If you want to talk with us, you must do so through your attorney," Nice. I guess you have less complaints to process if you don't even recognize that you've received a complaint.

So, long story short. We should stop asking for the Board of Pharmacy's heads to be chopped off and placed on top of a pike. Instead, the state employees in there cushy government jobs, they need to get the axe.

Ken Woliner. MD