
Monday, April 1, 2013

Question of the Day: 4/1/2013 In increasing regulations and inspections to rein in bad compounders how do we keep from running off the good compounders who are so essential in both human and animal medicine?

1 comment:

  1. Kenneth Woliner, MDApril 2, 2013 at 6:29 AM

    Compounding pharmacies that don't do sterile/injectable compounding will still be able to operate as the regulations are not too onerous. (They will raise prices to consumers, however, because there still will be added regulations.)

    There are some pharmacies (e.g. Rejuvi) that should never have been in the sterile/injectable business. They should be weeded out (as Rejuvi is permanently restricted ...)

    There are some "manufacturers" that call themselves pharmacies. Those businesses should either get a manufacturer's permit, or be shut down for good. NECC is dead. I hope other rogue pharmacies get killed too (before their patients suffer the same fate).

    Kenneth Woliner, MD
