Monday, April 22, 2013

Proposed Prescriber's Law in LA

See prior post here and subsequent post here for additional information--

Title 46 – Professional and Occupational Standards
Part LIII: Pharmacists
Chapter 25. Prescriptions, Drugs, and Devices

Subchapter C. Compounding of Drugs

§2535. General Standards
A – C …
D. Compounding for Prescriber’s Use. Pharmacists may prepare practitioner administered compounds for
a prescriber’s use with the following requirements:
1 – 3 …
4. A pharmacy may prepare such products not to exceed ten percent of the total number of drug
dosage units dispensed and distributed by the pharmacy on an annual basis.
E. …
F. Compounding Commercial Products Not Available
A pharmacy may prepare a copy of a commercial product when that product is not available as
evidenced by either of the following:
1 Products appearing on a website maintained by the federal Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and/or the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).
2 Products temporarily unavailable from distributors, as documented by invoice or other
communication from the distributor.
G. Labeling of Compounded Products.
1 – 2 …
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:1182.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Board of Pharmacy, LR 14:708
(October 1988), effective January 1, 1989, amended LR 23:1316 (October 1997), amended LR 29:2105 (October
2003), effective January 1, 2004, amended LR 39:

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