
Monday, April 8, 2013

Florida State lawyer says drug compounders are violating the law

Published: Monday, April 8, 2013 at 5:51 p.m.
Last Modified: Monday, April 8, 2013 at 5:51 p.m.
The practice of drug compounding, which gained national attention after more than 50 people died from a contaminated medication last year, is now coming under fire by Florida regulators.
A lawyer for Florida's Joint Administrative Procedures Committee said in February that the Florida Pharmacy Board has erred in allowing pharmacists to compound and sell medicines to doctors without prescriptions from patients. The Joint Committee, which is made up of members of the Florida Legislature, reviews rules created by Florida agencies,
Joint Committee lawyer Marjorie Holladay said that the Pharmacy Board's rules that allow pharmacists to create and sell medications to doctors violate state and federal law and warned that she may file an objection with her committee.
Holladay's warning puts the Pharmacy Board and Florida lawmakers on a collision course.
Regulators across the nation, including here in Florida, began scrutinizing the controversial practice of compounding after a series of high-profile blunders by big drug compounders sickened hundreds and killed dozens more in recent years.
The most notorious of these cases involved the New England Compounding Center, a Massachusetts firm that produced thousands of vials of contaminated pain medicine. More than 50 people died and another 700 became sick in 20 states.
In Florida alone, 25 people fell ill after being injected with the tainted serums. Five died. All five received their contaminated medicine from pain management clinics in Ocala.
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