
Monday, April 8, 2013

Ed Silverman's blog-A State Bill Over Drug Shortages Opens A Compounding Loophole

Posted Mon, 04/08/2013 - 9:52am by 

In the wake of the pharmacy compounding scandal that has led to 730 cases of fungal meningitis, including 51 deaths, across the country, pressure is being placed on both the FDA and state pharmacy boards to tighten their oversight (see here and here).
In Tennessee, however, a proposed bill would alleviate medicine shortages by allowing compounding pharmacies to produce more drugs. But the legislation has a problematic loophole that is reminiscent of the recent scandal, at least according to a consumer advocacy group.
How so? The goal of the legislation is to allow compounders in Tennessee to make and dispense needed medicines so that local healthcare providers do not have to rely on out-of-state compounders, which local officials worry may not be subject to the same oversight (HERE IS THE BILL).
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