
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Arizona Board of Pharmacy March 20, 2013 Minutes Showing Violations

Deputy Director Report
Ms. Frush reviewed the Compliance Officers Activity Report and the Drug Inspector Report with
the Board Members. During the months of January and February, the Compliance Staff issued
letters for the following violations:
Pharmacy Violations
1. Current immunization certificates not available – 3
2. Outdated products – 3
Controlled Substance Violations
1. Controlled Substance Overage -14
2. Controlled Substance Shortage -8
3. Controlled Substance Inventory upon change of Pharmacist in Charge incomplete - 1
4. Controlled Substance Invoices not readily retrievable - 1
Documentation Violations
1. Incomplete documentation of allergy information – 1
2. Claims for services not provided - 1
The following areas were noted on the inspection reports for improvement:
1. Filing of invoices
Areas outside the inspection reports that may be of interest:
1. Termination of employees for unprofessional conduct must be reported immediately
2. Commercially available products cannot be compounded
3. Medication vials should not be placed on the shelf without labeling
4. Automated dispensing machine documentation
5. Media fills required if preparing sterile products
6. Only pharmacists can offer counseling

Source found here

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