
Monday, April 8, 2013

April 2013 Disciplinary Orders from Arizonia State Board of Pharmacy

Notice: Before making a prescription-dispensing or
other decision pursuant to information in this issue, you
are encouraged to verify the current condition of a license
with the appropriate licensing agency (Board).
Castillo, Michael (S008588) – Probation terminated.
Effective January 24, 2013.
Mantsch, Michael (S012363) – Six hours of continuing
education on error prevention; $1,000 fine payable
within 90 days. Effective February 5, 2013.
Omodara, Olufemi (S011406) – One-year probation,
$9,000 fine payable within 60 days. Effective January
25, 2013. (Same disciplinary order applies to Favor
Rexall Drugs FKA Park Central North Pharmacy.)
Pharmacy Technicians
Carney, Crystal (T007850) – $250 fine payable within
90 days. Effective January 31, 2013.
Giarrizzo, Jolene (T004302) – Revoked. Effective January
31, 2013.
Holguin, Valerie (T018155) – Revoked. Effective January
31, 2013.
Holland, Kristina (T002554) – Revoked. Effective
January 31, 2013.
Rusinsky, Crystal (T025943) – Revoked. Effective
January 25, 2013.
Smith, Brenda (T026603) – Revoked. Effective January
31, 2013.
Permit Holders (Pharmacies/Wholesalers)
Eaton Veterinary Laboratories (W000431) – $4,000
fine payable within 60 days. Effective January 25, 2013.
Favor Rexall Drugs FKA Park Central North Pharmacy
(Y004318) – One-year probation, $9,000 fine.
Effective January 25, 2013. (Same disciplinary order
applies to Omodara, Olufemi.)
Omnicare of Chandler (Y003161) – $5,000 fine payable
within 90 days. Effective February 5, 2013.
Sunwest Pharmacy (Y005263) – Probation terminated.
Effective January 24, 2013.
Thomas Laboratories, Inc (W000174) – $6,000 fine
payable within 90 days. Effective January 25, 2013.
Disciplinary Actions and Updates
Other Health Boards
Arizona Board of Medicine (MDs)
Child, David L. (MD 6275) – Non-disciplinary – License
surrendered to the Board. Effective December 6, 2012.
Eisenberg, James W. (MD 40512) – License surrendered
to the Board. Effective February 7, 2013.
Lidor, Yaron J. (MD 34838) – Consent Agreement for
Decree of Censure and Practice Restriction – Respondent
shall not practice medicine and is prohibited from
prescribing any form of treatment, including prescription
medications, in Arizona. Respondent shall not
seek to renew his Arizona medical license and shall not
reapply for an Arizona medical license for a period of
five years. Effective February 7, 2013.
Reinertson, Laura (MD 34906) – Non-disciplinary –
Consent Agreement for Practice Limitation – Respondent’s
practice is limited in that she shall not practice
medicine in the state of Arizona and is prohibited from
prescribing any form of treatment including prescription
medications until she applies to the Board and
receives permission to do so. Effective November 21,
2012. License canceled. Effective November 21, 2012.
Slaski, Andrzej (Andrew) J. (MD 6972) – License revoked.
Effective March 14, 2013.
Arizona Board of Osteopathic Examiners
Collins, Joseph C. (DO 3858) – License surrendered to
the Board. Effective February 12, 2013.

Source found here

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