
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Idaho Board of Pharmacy Agenda For Meeting for April 5, 2013

I. Approval of Minutes
II. Negotiated Rulemaking Public Meeting on Compounding
III. Negotiated Rulemaking Public Meeting on Delivery
IV. Legislation & Rule Review
V. Lunch 12:00
VI. Keri Woodall, R.Ph. – Hearing
VII. Amy Mgonja, Pharm D – Stipulation and Order
VIII. Evan Hathaway, DDS – Stipulation and Order
IX. James Alexander, R.Ph. - Stipulation and Order
X. Terry Spohr, PA – Stipulation and Order
XI. Jeffrey Nielson, Pharm D – Stipulation and Order
XII. K Leanne Givens, R.Ph. – Stipulation and Order
XIII. Jason Ebrahimpour, Pharm D – Stipulation and Order
XIV. Case 13-036
XV. Denice Moffat, DVM – Stipulation and Order
XVI. Eddie Reyes, III – Pharmacy Technician application
XVII. Troy Pharmacy – Mail Service Pharmacy application
XVIII. Financial Report – Mark Johnston
XIX. Inspector Q & A
XX. Calendar – Mark Johnston
XXI. Executive Session as Authorized by Idaho Code 67-2345(1)(a)
Source found here

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