
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Compounding Pharmacies Not All Bad

Written by Lindsey Burnworth
Created on March 20, 2013 @ 5:40PM
Compounding pharmacies have been under attack ever since a hepatitis outbreak last year. Inspectors found pharmacies around the country weren't following regulations, and were giving out medication that wasn't sterile.
So, is that the case with compounding pharmacies around the area? Many of the pharmacies under attack were mass producing medications for patients. Compounding pharmacies around here don't do that, and that makes it safer for people taking the medication.

Pharmacists also have to follow many safety precautions when it comes to making the medicine. They can only compound something that a doctor has written out specific to that patient.
That keeps pharmacists from mass producing any prescriptions, which could lead to problems like several other pharmacies have had in the past few months.
"The West Virginia Board of Pharmacies governs how we operate as compounding pharmacies in our state. There's also federal guidelines, and there's also recommendations by the American Pharmaceutical Foundation. Our board of pharmacies has come out and said, as long as there's a working relationship between the doctor, pharmacy, and patient, that's defined and specific, and you're using clean techniques, then they support compounding pharmacies within our state," said Amanda Smith, pharmacy director for Health Facilities.

Pharmacists also suggest asking your doctor questions when it comes to your prescriptions. That way, you know exactly what to expect when you go to the pharmacy.

Source found here

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