
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Washington State House of Representatives HB 1800 summary Relating to Compounding

Washington State

House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Health Care & Wellness Committee
HB 1800
Brief Description: Concerning the compounding of medications for physician offices or
ambulatory surgical centers or facilities to be used by a physician for ophthalmic purposes
for nonspecific patients.
Sponsors: Representatives Cody, Morrell and Schmick.
Brief Summary of Bill
Ÿ Requires the Board of Pharmacy to adopt rules to authorize the compounding of
ophthalmic medications for use by a physician for nonspecific patients.
Hearing Date: 2/19/13
Staff: Chris Blake (786-7392).
Compounding is a practice in which a pharmacist prepares a prescription by combining two or
more ingredients. Compounding is authorized in specific situations and in limited quantities.
The compounding of an inordinate amount of drugs, relative to the practice site in anticipation of
receiving prescriptions without any historical basis, is considered "manufacturing."
Manufacturers must obtain a license and meet additional state and federal regulatory
The Board of Pharmacy allows pharmacists to conduct compounding in limited situations.
Pharmacists may compound drugs for individual patients when there is a pharmacist/patient/
prescriber relationship and the patient presents a prescription. Pharmacists may also compound
drug products that are commercially available for individual patients when it is based upon
anticipated orders based upon routine, regularly observed prescribing patterns. In addition,
pharmacists may compound drugs in very limited quantities prior to receiving a prescription
based upon a history of receiving prescriptions from a certain pharmacist/patient/prescriber
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative
members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it
constitute a statement of legislative intent.
House Bill Analysis - 1 - HB 1800
Pharmacists are prohibited from offering compounded drug products to others for resale, except
to a practitioner to administer to an individual patient.
Summary of Bill:
The Board of Pharmacy must adopt rules to authorize the compounding of ophthalmic
medications for use by a physician for nonspecific patients in physician offices, ambulatory
surgical centers, and ambulatory surgical facilities. The rules must establish limits on the
quantities that may be made available and requirements to record the dispensing of the
compounded medication, including the identity of the patients and the amounts dispensed.
The term "manufacture," as it relates to legend drugs, excludes the compounding of ophthalmic
medications for use by a physician for nonspecific patients in physician offices, ambulatory
surgical centers, and ambulatory surgical facilities.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.

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