
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pharmacy Practice Issues and Facility Qualifications in Sterile Product Compounding

2013 AAPS National Biotechnology Conference

Hot Topic

Pharmacy Practice Issues and Facility Qualifications in Sterile Product Compounding

10:30 am–noon
May 20, 2013
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina, San Diego 
The fungal meningitis outbreak associated with tainted steroid injections from the New England Compounding Center has highlighted questions about the product needs of hospitals and clinics, as well as the qualifications of pharmacies that produce sterile products. This session will discuss sterile drug product distribution issues from the clinic or field perspective (e.g., a hospital pharmacy), including sterile product challenges facing a patient care organizations and why services from a group such as the New England Compounding Center may be needed. This session will also discuss technical issues of sterile product fabrication, with an emphasis on an approach to qualify pharmacies to produce sterile products.
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina 
1380 Harbor Island Dr. 
San Diego, CA 92101
For more information click here

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