
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Florida's Department of Heath Board of Pharmacy December Meeting Discussion Regarding Prior Discipline of Franck's Lab, In d/b/a Franck's Compounding Pharmacy

A. Chair's Report - Cynthia Griffin, PharmD, Chair
1. Dr. Cynthia Griffin – Short Term Priority List
a. Emergency Rule
Discussed under Executive Director’s report.
b. Re-visit Cases with Sterile Compounding Issues
i. Franck’s Lab, Inc d/b/a Franck’s Compounding Pharmacy
Dr. Weizer suggested all information including prior cases be available to Board members when there is prior
discipline on a pharmacy or pharmacist. This would ensure that Board member’s can make the most educateddecision when determining a case.
A discussion followed Dr. Weizer’s suggestions regarding what data is allowed to be reviewed regarding prior discipline in cases and how the Board can legally make the best decision regarding discipline as well as
protecting the citizens of Florida.

To read the entire minutes for December meeting, click here

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